
( Goes more often than not by Oliver or TOG )

Your eyes come across a rather pleasant looking businesspuppy, his businesswear the most predominant attribute of his attire. His blue eyes look about the room casually behind hipster-esque, thick-rimmed and rectangular spectacles.

The previously noticed formal apparell is striking in its appearance of comfort - he's currently in a white button-up Oxford dress shirt, an oddly comfortable-looking blue necktie and some form-fitting dockers, whose bottoms drape atop his broad, black-padded footpaws that spread with each footstep across the floor. You see him smile to himself, as if thinking of a joke, person, or song that he's particularly fond of. Despite the current type of 'collar' he currently totes, it's quite evident that he's a puppy at heart despite his sophisticated attire.

The Dalmatian morph appears to be humming to himself absently before he catches your glance with his. He offers a big, warm, lopsided and teef-filled grin, one that spreads his thin black lips and a bit of his fangs are flashed amidst his pink and black gums. He adjusts his glasses with a padded thumb and forefinger before looking back at whatever he was gazing at.


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Page last autogenerated at Thu, Jun 29 / 2006 (03:28 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)