
Artwork by the lovely Souls Poison

pyro - Natural form
pyro-d - Dragon form

pyro is your basic, ordinary, average wolf anthro, with three exceptions. His eyes are red. This does not denote any kind of demonic or special powers. He just has red eyes. Secondly, he has a strong sense of smell, with an especially strong reaction to pheromones. If you don't know what those are... don't worry about it. Thirdly, he can turn into a dragon. Yes. The dragon you probably thought he would be. But he's not. He's normally a wolf.

A wild pyro with soda!  Art by Morti
Artwork by the awesome Morticunata!

Getting down to the gritty details, pyro's about 5'10", with a slight paunch and gray fur. He isn't buffed out, but he hasn't let himself go completely, either, and neither is he skinny. Interestingly enough, he also has a pentacle tattoo across his muzzle. His dragon form has the same tat, but is 6'3" with a sinuous, draconic neck and the ability to breathe fire, and, of course, flight. The nose is not, however, hardwired to his cock as a dragon. Also... the draconic form does have the same lupine ears, paws, and... wolfhood of the original. Though said wolfhood is a bit more like a humans than a wolf's.

An author to some degree, he can occasionally be seen around the Tub writing, either by pen and paper or laptop.

Clothing consists of an button-up, short sleeved silk shirt worn open, with black, baggy swimshorts. The wings, however, don't exactly tolerate shirts, so he abandons his shirt when draconic. Oh, and by the way, he's usually clothed. So, assume so unless told otherwise. Also assume that when in wolf form, he has his nifty little pheromone filter in his nose. (Thanks, Suno.)

He also has an earring in his left ear. It's black, shaped like the head an arms of a rabbit leaping into his ear. It's a gift from a dear friend. As for other accessories, he has a gold band with a somewhat large blue diamond on it, two wolves howling engrave on it, one red, one blue. Christmas/V-day gift from Jedic.

Image by Keila! Thank you so much!

Miss ya, Murph.

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Page last autogenerated at Thu, Jan 10 / 2013 (04:54 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)