I'm a 7ft 6" wolf, I'm usually quite and I always act as cute as I can be, im quite well worked out and I wear black clothes perferably.
I look around 19 years old and can be quite childish at times.
the main thing I do is curl up cutely on a couch. my preferance is bi (im greedy and proud!) I like to listen to others as im not much of a talker but when I get going I can be quite chatty
(also just so people know I'm a guy who happens to like the colour purple and act cute... I'm just saying so no one makes the mistake and when I tell them they feel kinda bad)
also my eyes glow with different colours depending on my mood
Blue= bliss
dark green=pained
also I really enjoy having my tummy rubbed as I seem to get some sort of high plesure out of it
I carry black metal scythe called Anu'barak around which is wraped up in a purple linen cloth that stops at the blade, the cloth also wraps around my right arm and up to my shoulder, the cloth seals the aura that flows off my arm so it hides my energy untill I undo the cloth, when I do undo it my speed and agility increases as such im able to move much faster than normal people. The Scythe is not used for fighting as I don't really see the need to. instead I'm often found sitting on it's blade with the handle sticking right up in the air. floating around like it was a swing
relationship status: single (looking)
pets: none
hight:7ft 6
age: not too sure to be honest
presonality:I'm usually quite quiet and perfer to stay out of most things but when I start going I can be quite the chatter box,I am also quite childish for some reason when I get going, doing stupid pranks at random for the fun of it,
muscular tone:I'm well woked out as from training so I have a rather nice 6 pack on my stomach and a decent amount of muscle on my arms but my legs are really strong and muscular as I like to run a scarily large ammout of time. though this is often hard to see due to fluffy fur syndrome
powers: I can bend reality to my will, I can teleport, I tend to just fuck aound with people's heads
cool facts:before I found out my real name people used to call me snow my eyes also glow with the same smoke like aura that I have on my arm when, my feet are strange in the fact that i can pick thing up with them as easily as I would my hands
Naughty bits: my penis is 9.3 inches long and and 5 inches in thickness, my knot is about 7 inches thick, along my shaft I have a seires of plesure bumbs starting from about 2 inches from the tip of my cock to my knot
sexual activity: I am Usually willing but I wont ever just jump straight into sex, I like abit of talking, someone trying to coax me into it you know, also I am a big fan of foreplay but it is not always needed in some cases ^.^
also despite my nature I am really dominant when it comes to sex, though I do often have times when i feel a little subby, so if your wanting to play with my tight little tail hole all you have to do is ask and see if im in the mood^^