
Heya there! thanks to my recent playing of WoW I decided to make this character~ ^^

Meilang is a Panderen Monk... and a very...curious gal, she's an adventurer and after leaving the wandering isles, joining the horde...she prefers to travel Azeroth looking at new races and architecture, which to her, was everything now, she loved it, new people, new smells, she decided that she didn't like most goblins too much though, after having somehow lost her panties and money, she was left to walk around with no underwear, after ending up in Mulgor and meeting some Tauren, she found herself happily staying in Thunderbluff for awhile...the Tauren there were....nice~ to say the least~<3

One of the many thing Meilang enjoys doing is making new brews of tea and alcohol, but unlike other pandaren, she will make and learn any style she can of drink, as a trained brewmaster she's rather the fierce opponent when push comes to shove, able to hold her own against many with either her brewstaff, or her bear (hehe) hands.

Meilang is always found with atleast 15 different brews attatched to her belt, staff and shoulder sling, so if you want a drink, just ask!~

Sex: female

Race: Pandaren

Job: I kinda just...walk around

Height: 5ft 7

Weight: Oh you're just asking for a slap

Rump: Bouncy and big ~<3

Breasts: 38 E

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Page last autogenerated at Wed, Jan 17 / 2018 (05:51 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)