I play literate, semi para to para. If you can't give me atleast two well formed lines, don't speak to me about sex. I don't want to hear it. Thank you.
She was standing there silently, watching the room. It was odd to see this chatterbox silent and still long enough to see her thinking about what she was saying, but here it was, those precious few moments before she started inciting the crowd again. Then she turned, those deep green eyes focusing on you for the first time during the time she had been in the room. The light in her eyes showed that she was indeed as friendly as the smile portrayed. She then turns back to the group and yells off something vaguely coherent and mildly offensive.
This cabbit is also well known as a lap hound and a cuddle whore. She has a habit of crawling into laps that she may or may not be welcome in, but somehow almost always gets to stay. It's not that she is trying to get into people's personal space, it's just that she enjoys the attention of those around her. If she begins to bother you, just let her know, there's no reason to get in a tissy when all you have to do is say a simple "Down girl." Please don't try to hurt her feelings, they're displayed for everyone to see, not for you to step on. She doesn't appreciate it and will probably bring the world down around your head if she can.
As most will know from a famous anime, her species is a cross between a Cat and a Rabbit, but she does not, will not, and will never turn into a space ship, vehicle or any other thing except maybe another species for plays. She's short, only coming up to about five foot even, maybe a little shorter. Don't take that as a sign of weakness, for this little mix breed is a fiesty little brat at times. Her silken ears hang down to the bottom of her shoulder blades, the fur along them a pristine white except for the small splotches of orange and chocolate at the tips of them. Most of her body, while clothed, demonstrates the same marking pattern, though the color is mainly restricted to her back and sides. The insides of her thighs, chest, stomach and face are all covered with the same silken and pristine white fur. She's thick, but not fat by any means. With a bottom heavy hourglass, she could be seen as heavy by many, and outstanding by others. Her opinion of herself? It doesn't matter, she's got brains.
Her short little tail is both slightly boney and yet still fluffed out with downy fur. It sometimes wiggles like that of a dog if she's excited enough about a situation. She has an odd character, sometimes very lewd and loud, at times overly introverted and easily annoyed, and yet sometimes, she's sweeter than any lab you'll meet. If you don't like her today, don't write her off as a snob, or a popular, or any of those cruel words. She's just out there to know everyone. Don't be jealous, come visit the room with her!
This cabbit also enjoys a good roleplay. No, that does not include sex all the time. No, it does not mean that she's desperate enough to play with you with your bad grammar. No, she's not always a grammar nazi. Yes, good grammar and knowledge of English will get more enthusiasm from the cabbit. Cabbit likes roleplays that involve sex with a windup! Meaning that she likes to have a situation to work with, not just a fuck in a black void. She also really really enjoys extended roleplays that may or maynot involve sex. If you have a plot, or a vague idea that you want to play with her, let her know. But just a warning, she likes to talk out a play before she does it, so OOC her first then we'll see if cabbit wants to play. <3 Kay?
I am a bitch. Until you get to know me. Honestly. I have a sharp tongue, but I have a squishy center if you're lucky enough to see it. The best way to be on my good side? Have a pair of balls and the will to show them off if you need, WITHOUT the neverending desire to be right ALL the time. I'm playful and I'm sweet, but you push my wrong buttons and I will hate you. Just as a side note, there are currently no users of the chat that I hate, some I dislike, to be sure. But none have that status yet.
A summation:
Species: Cabbit
Gender: Female
Sexuality: ...
Kinks: Ask me.. I don't bite.... often.
Turn offs: Depends on the day, but always watersports and scat.
Clooney: CAN'T BRAIN
Clooney: Facekeyboardfacekeyboardfacekeyboard
RH Profile

Created By condomman Condoms
Do not ask.
Don't expect too much from me, I will most likely disappoint you.