
Name: Ziv
Age: 21
Height: 7'2
Weight: 240
Hair: Black, extends down to his shoulders.
Eyes: Blue
Body: Toned arms, chest and abdomen, heavily muscled legs used mainly for running. His strengths are in his forearms and his thighs. Powerful jaws can crush bone if needed.
Likes: Swimming, sleeping, pop-tarts, listening to people and knowing secrets others don't.
Hates: Egoists, loud abrupt noises, hippies, people making fun of others. Being ignored, being woken up!, coffee, socks.

-Basic Description-

Some would say small, others would say large; he himself would say he was the perfect size. Standing at only six foot two he remained disinterested with the normal goings of the world, freeing himself to choose his own path and not from what society gave him. A large mane of hair, extended to his shoulders and was tied only enough to stop a larger mess from happening. Deep blue eyes trapped their viewers, a sea of crystal night waves of aquatic life, an entire world in one small place. Though the beauty of one, never lasts, though young he was gruff. A small cheek scar adorned the left of his face. Protruding snout filled with keen teeth, ready to bite into those who opposed him. Taking the appearance, those still interested wouldn't find a hateful creature. An entirely toned body was what he brandished, fur as black as the night, one could lose him in a dark room if not careful. Arms crossed and head turned away, he seemed ready for a mug shot. Powerful legs spoke of unbridled speed, only a blurr to the eyes of a less in tuned beast. Further down, he stood upon bare feet, each section holding a large claw. They seemed dangerous, but did he? All in all he was a normally built creature of the night, hunting and living where he enjoyed best; the dark. The different thing about him, was a pair of sunglasses, resting on his face. Occasionally having to push them back up his nose.

Personality: Welcoming and friendly if respect is given, very open to making light of himself and joking around, though constant insults and just plain being rude will earn you dislike from him. Can become a little hyper at points, revealing a far more twisted side, with crazy ideas as well as random actions. Doesn't bother with people who try to strike up drama, even if he has known them for quite a bit of time. If pushed into a corner or accused of something, or simply treated poorly, he can become a mean, vengeful prick and take pride in delivering sadness to people.

Items: Although he is mostly entirely nude, not a big fan of clothing he still is able to carry a few items on his person.
Sunglasses (Most important, always worn)
A pair of loose waist hugging pants (Worn on occasion)
A Nerf Gun for play
A magic 8-ball (Does all the decision making)

Alignment (for story purposes) Neutral

Mate: None
Pet: None

Now the sections ahead are for a little history, of course there are several stories to Ziv's existence and no doubt will be more as ideas crop up in my freaky brain.

-History for a Born Furry-

Helanye Hill, was his mothers name, from a poor family. She neither knew the days of wealth or a day of rest. If she was to survive, she had to continue to help feed her dying family. No one paid her family mind, as they didn't even have money to afford a bath every day, even once a week. She was a barmaid, tavern wench and cleaner for most of her life. Her stunning characteristic was that she had no feet. When she worked her first brothel, the owner kept strict tabs upon his women. Those who showed any ounce of rebellious nature, had their feet cut off at the ankle. She had questioned his motives one night and things led to another. Her father was able to work up enough money to pull her out of the ownership of the man, but died in the process. Sent home with nothing more then a days wage in earnings, she had been there almost three months, he had given her nothing. It was then tavern to tavern for her, though her lack of certain body parts had put disgust in most of her would be superiors and she never stuck around long. Though her last employer, a man of lesser evil, hired and kept her on out of pity. Helanye was never a stunning women, though what she lacked in beauty she made up for in a keen intelligence.

Apollo "Zeus" De'Lotres, was his apparent fathers name. Nicknamed "Zeus" for they say he rivaled the thunder god in affairs. He was a frequenter of many taverns across the land, traveling for many days just to see a women for a single night, only to return once more to his home. Most men looked upon him to be either a god or a demon in bed, some went so far as to call him an incubus. Wealth lined his pockets, family money, many generations of laborers, merchants, grave robbers in some cases... though he seemed encouraged to break this line. He was no lazy person, but he loved to help others. It just seemed that inside the confines of his own home he was a selfish brat. He just never showed it outside. Apollo, unlike Helanye, was naturally attractive, suave and mysterious. Even his own mother knew little of his deeds, mainly to avoid attachments to the ladies he bedded. He never knew that one night, everything would turn his life upside down.

One night, on Apollos many late night drinking games, he placed forth another game to his friends. "My friends, I have an idea, Let us play a game. I shall bet my entire inheritance that I can bed every women working for this establishment." His friends, of course, where very hesitant. He could do that, anyone could with a bit of time. "..In one night" this was challenge far to good to pass up. There were seventeen women within the bar. One of his companions spoke out. "Surely Apollo, you wouldn't risk your ENTIRE inheritance? And your asking nothing from us if you win? What if you were to lose?". A high and mighty Apollo scuffed, throwing his head back in a bit of laughter. "Are you afraid my friend? It would make all of you rich, for you, and your children's children for years to come". An abundance of brains Apollo did not have, or maybe it was the ego. Always needing to prove itself, even at the top. The bet was made and his very LIFE was put on the line. The following night Apollo went to work, bedding each of them without trouble. Some where more then willing to drop their knickers for a romp with him. Others needed a bit of charm. His friends never left the bar during it, making sure to check with each of his bedmates after the acts. By three in the morning, Apollo had bed every one of them and had time to spare! Returning to his table he held his arms high "Gentlemen, I have completed our bet and I have proven once again, that I am the best." though the appearance of Helanye brought in the final women of the bar. "O great and powerful Apollo, you seemed to have missed the well wench." with a bellowing laugh from his friends he turned to look at her, only to be rather offended by the comment. "Gents, that is no women, that is a gaggle of slugs, hiding in womens clothing" this brought forth a great laugh from the entire tavern and all eyes were turned to Helanye for the moment. The comments left her barely able to stand, let alone hold back the tears. He sat down, as if claiming victory, but his men would not have it. "You made a bet Apollo, you were to bed every women in the bar by Morning, you still have over an hour until the sun rises, you best get to work." Apollo was stunned, unable to believe that he would have to share his glorious body with that women. His pride and ego were to much for him to lose, so he sallied forth.

Helanye had run from the tavern, of course, her lack of feet made it so she could get only a few yards away before collapsing in a lump of tears. She would never thought one could be so cruel. To make matters worse, the man who had tormented her with just a simple comment had returned. She stood trying to avoid him, until he grabbed her arm for her attention. "I'm sorry miss, I did not mean to offend you in the matter, you know how boys can be" he said with a chuckle. Though he knew nothing of apologies and what it truly means. "You sir are the most vile, rot-filled sack of shit. A male dancing around his floppy phallic like it was some prize won in a contest at birth. I know of your bet and I know what you seek, you shall not have it! Nothing would make me happier then to see you cast down from your throne and enjoy what little life the rest of us have to fight through everyday" with the single comment she hobbled off to her family, done with her rage for the night. The next few days had been rather quiet, even at night. None came to the tavern for beer or drinks. Helanye became well known, having fought off the insatiable lust of Apollo. She was not longer just a simple bar maid, or shadow to the establishment. She was greeted often, women and men asked her to sit with them, enjoy their company. Money flowed to her pockets as she soon become the life of the party. Tips as well as much higher pay, for bringing in twice as many customers as before. Within a month she was able to pay for better conditions for her Mother, two sisters and brother, with their added income as well. Days became months and months to years, the name of Apollo had all but disappeared. The sex god, seemingly, just vanished at the end of that ale filled night.

Years into the future, seven to be exact. A regular night at the tavern. Many regular faces and stories were heard, the city always had a new face every once in a while. Though a certain newcomer had arrived. Had very little upon him, dirty common clothes, not to well taken care of. Face scruffy, large bags under his eyes, as if he rode miles to get here. He sat at the bar, though seemed to know his way around, never asking anyone for help or looking behind him for someone to rough him up. Helanye slowly took notice to him, he arrived the same time every night, had one drink and left. One of these nights he arrived, taking his regular seat. Pulling out from his pocket all he had the stranger placed it on the counter. Helanye looked at the money and shook her head, pushing it back to him. "It's my pleasure tonight, sir" She gave the man a wink, she saw something about him. It caught her eye, she found it hard not to keep her gaze from slowly turning to him. Further into the night, the man looked like he was getting ready to go. Walking from behind the bar she took his wrist and pulled his attention back to her. "Sir, I was wondering would you like to have a drink with me?" the man smiled and once more turned, opening the door he walked out. Helanye hobbled after him and spoke "I may not be the most beautiful, but you have no right to treat me like slime." the man halted in his steps, turned around and stepped up to her. He stared for the longest time before smiling, showing off pearly white teeth. "You do not deserve a man like me, you are beyond beautiful, and there are far better men then me for you." he turned and continued his stroll away. Helanye put her hands around her mouth and shouted. "May I at least have your name?" but there wasn't a response. Helanye was smitten.

It would be another month before Helanye saw him again. She had never forgotten him and never lost the face in her mind. It soon became an obsession, she looked to the door every time someone walked in, dropping what ever she was doing to see if it was him. Though one night was her luck, for he did walk in, though he was cleaned up a bit more. Still doning the scruffy look that had endeared him to her, he took a seat in front of her. She was elated to see him and almost jumped the counter to hug him. How did she become so head over heels with someone she didn't know. After a few hours of simple chat and flirting actions Helanye and the stranger were up in a room. Hours went by as they made love, over and over, neither being satisfied until the sun rose. "Good show stranger, do I finally get to learn your name." the mans expression turned to a frown as he closed his eyes. "I fear that my name will bring back horrible memorys." she chuckled and crawled atop him. "Past or not I would never hold a grudge upon any patron, I don't think I even met you, now tell me your name!" she laughed out as she licked, as well as kissed his neck. "Apollo..." Helanye's eyes widened as she jumped from the bed and retreated until her back was against a wall. Staring at him with what seemed like fear and hate and utter malice. "Please, Helanye, I have never met a women such as you" but all she did was point to the door. Head hanging low, he tried to talk to her, but all she did was point, until she finally bellowed "Get Out!!"

Apollo had his heart broken, he had spent years without money. Starving on the streets, but continuing to live, the thought of the women who told him off that night. He had never been turned down, it had such an impact on him that he cared not that his entire fortune was wasted upon it. For almost a year he lived in poverty, none would give him a job and his own family deserted him for his foolish choice. He wandered around the land for another two, a sort of spiritual quest for him to return to peace. He was able to get a job upon a farm far from any town, working hard for four years to earn an honest, but poor living. He never returned to the tavern or to see her again, rumor has it, the second rejection led him to his suicide. Helanye found out, but shed little tear for him, keeping a hard nose about it, shutting down and doing her job without a smile. Losing friends and patrons steered away from the tavern for her lack of comfortable attitude. She returned to her own blissful self when she found out she was with child. Though under the happy layer she was killing herself slowly. The tavern once more returned to it's welcoming nature and patrons flocked.

Nine months passed and Helanye produced a healthy child. Ziv, strong and powerful he was as a child. She brought him to the tavern many times and even he became a familiar face to the patrons, carried upon her back in a small fur-lined holster. Brought out on occasion to show off, he met many scrappy people in his youth, though he would certainly not remember them. Fate seemed to enjoy a twisted malice... dealing out useless unhelpful hands. Helanye was on her way to visit her family, they lived in the next town over and was usually a half a days walk. Fear had never taken hold of her, the roads were always dangerous... A band of highway men pounced her without any warning, knocking her to the ground, unconscious. "Well well, seems we have that famous barmaid from town, you know the one" the gang took a look at her and only laughed. After rooting through her bag for anything of value, they discovered Ziv, tucked into the deep bag sleeping. Leaving him by the side of the road they dragged Helanye away. Nobody would see her again.

A full day went by as the infant Ziv lay out in the chilled night as well as the humid day. It seemed the very elements of nature didn't want him to live. Though luck would befall him as a man of age stumbled upon the pack. Curious as to why this was abandoned he searched it for anything that would hint to it's discard. Of course he found Ziv, weak and crying. The mans name was Geb and either for personal gain or an act of kindness by his heart. Feeding the child and taking him home he cared for him like any father would. Geb was a tall man, 6'5 easily, though he had a kind face that could be trusted the moment they saw it. He was never seen without a smile, offering up his wisdom when he saw fit to teach. For five years he fed, taught and put a roof over Ziv's head. He parted his knowledge upon him of Masonry, metallurgy and Writing. For the time, one to know all of these was considered a valuable asset. Growing strong and healthy, Ziv was always willing to help anybody, much like his father and mother. The kind heart was given to him by Geb, and a great treasure he thought it as. Becoming the full prodigy and god-son of Geb, Ziv knew he had it all. His 16th birthday would change quickly as an event would place him in a situation that would last for many years to come...

The day of his birthday, Geb made him a fine meal as well as a small cake. They had their first drink together. He kept the stuff away from him for fear he would depend on it one day. A knock sounded on their small country hut. Geb went outside to speak with who every it was, there was sound of swords clashing a moment later. Ziv rushed outside to find two men dead and Geb standing with a sword drawn. Thinking there was some sort of attack upon them he ran back inside to find a weapon to help Geb fend them off. Though he would not make it as two men stepped from behind him, striking him over the head with a leather baton. His world fell dark as he slipped away from consciousness for a moment. Awaking a few minutes later, his wrists all the way up to his shoulders bound, legs the same. A cage held him while collars and anklets kept him bound to the iron bars. Staring out to a group of men, he made out the form of Geb. He saw a small exchange between them, a big, jingling with the sound of money. Geb walked over to the cage and smiled. "Enjoy your new life kid, thanks for the money. You were a good long-term investment". The last 15 years of his life, Geb was bringing him up only to be sold, into slavery. Anger took over him, burning the good in his heart. It was as if a lock had been opened, arms pushed against the ropes, stretching them to there limits before a single knot broke, the bindings falling apart. Gripping the iron bars with his hands he roared as if a feral force consumed his very body. Bending the bars backwards and forward, weakening the metal. The scene was only laughed at by the slavers, prodding him from inside the cage. A sudden heat enveloped the area, Ziv's hands grew red, steam slowly rising as the bars he gripped grew hot along with him. Blood vessels in his eyes bursting with hate as he stared straight at his betrayer. Frothing at the mouth, muscles flexed, he ripped the weakened bars from the cage and clamored out to destroy Geb. He was halted as the slavers begain to beat him over the head with the leather batons, they grew hot with each hit they connected with, burning each of there hands. He turned his feral rage upon the slavers roaring out to the moon. Cleaving one man in half with a single stroke of his claw. Once again he ran to Geb who was fleeing the scene and his own home to get away. Guards who had followed the slavers begain to fire arrows in his direction, he was struck several times, only to brush them off. It took almost fifty arrows and cost the lives of five slavers to calm him down, even then it was not the attacks by the slavers, but his energy finally giving out. Bound once more into the cage, muzzled, gaged, blindfolded, tied and beaten, they took him from the only home he knew, never to return or see Geb again. He heard a rumor that Geb had a stroke shortly after his capture, he was 92.

His time in the cage was long, so long that his legs suffered entropy when finally removed. He didn't keep count of the days that passed, only how many times he was struck over the head. He was no longer angry, though he showed little emotion. It seemed the unhinging of his powers had cause him to regress. He was found crying most of the time, striking the floor and kicking his legs, such as a child would. When he was finally put on display, he was chained so well, that an elephant wouldn't be able to move. This caused him not to be sold right away, the more they were chained down the more dangerous they were. His look never changed, staring down to the floor with mouth gapping open. He was bought of course, though it was only the ones who thought they could handle dominating a god. For the next 30 years he was raped, beaten, labored and forced to eat the very shit off of others shoes. He never spoke, screamed or moan. Even when it was pleasure to him, the more kind hearted people would offer it sometimes. Always sent back, the same look still on his face. It was not that he was indomitable, he just never showed emotion throughout each slavers words and actions. He came close to being killed for lack of it on one of his masters days. The fact was that he was already dominated, his master was someone you could not see and never control, he fell before it in his heart, giving himself fully. His master was anger, and he was it's loyal servent.

Life for some is full of adventures, others for love. Though there are people in the world that have done nothing but good, or have had a good heart, but recieve the ass end of life. Ziv was of course sitting right upon that ass, dirty, covered in other peoples bodily fluids. No one to care or even give a second glance as he rotted in his eternal prison. Everyone has their days, Ziv's was coming... A wise femme entered the pens that day, a very unsightly and ugly femme. She walked with a hobble, scars upon her face and it seemed one of her eyes was fake. She moaned and wheezed with every step, soon bringing her uncertain intentions to Ziv. Without speaking she sniffed the air around him, then hurried to pay a guard for him. He was dragged to a room by the slavers since this women was far to weak, she barely could handle herself. Tossed into the room he laid there with little intent other then to stare blankly. The old creature sat down and spoke, like an angel, beyond words and hypnotized her. "Have you given up so easily? To regress to that of a child, just to ignore life... I pity you, for I know what you have been through, beyond words I know." he said nothing, but did sit up, as if his muscles acted on there own. "Meet those rusty fools with your power, show them what a power the soul has". Ziv moved his eyes for the first time since he was a child, the gears started to turn and he looked to the women. She stood and banged on the door, the guards entered and she left in a hurry. Dragged back into the pens he looked around to the other slaves and grew angry once more. He looked back at the mental picture of the old women, she had no feet.


Now, this story would be saved for more detailed and serious RP, What I usually did on Furcadia, unfortunately, people don't much like to RP there anymore, at least not for long periods of time. I have a more TUB oriented story, which details his transformation from a human into a wolf, which is the story I hope most of you will be associating with me. The story above is far from complete and I hope to triple the amount thats up there, I just have sporadic hours of intense writing.

-A New Life-

Ordinary, maybe more then most, it wasn't news to him or his family. Though it wasn't a bad thing was it? A normal person through and through, went about his business. Ziv was starting his life, recently leaving home and comfort to forge an existence in the world, a great thing and time in any ones life. Graduating from a local technical college, he received his associates in Welding and Engineering, had been placed by the school in a great entry level job working several figures. He had a family that loved him and plenty of friends to share company with... but it just didn't feel right. A ruse was put on day in and day out, he just didn't feel like he was in the right body or the right world. Every night he would allow his mind to wander, reaching out into the universe to find something that he could call his, or himself. But when morning came, it all remained normal and the same. He certainly wasn't unhappy, or slowly sinking in depression, it was more like he was never truly comfortable.

Climbing into bed one night, he raced off like a child, existing in his world of fantasy, pushing away the reality. He dreamed of shadows and creatures, not entirely visible, but held no human form, shapes and sizes all through the spectrum; large, small, thin, thick, furry, smooth, male, female, muscled, weak. It could all be described and thousands of other things. All talking at once, all conversing, enjoying each others company, some even coming together, to enjoy more carnal forms of affection. All of this was done around a pool of water, the room was large, enough to hold many people ten times over, and yet was comfortable. It looked as if physics was not present here, the universe existed, and then didn't around it. The talking ceased and suddenly all eyes were upon him. Not even a whisper was uttered. Standing still he looked around to all the dark faces, he couldn't make out a single detail on any of there faces. As if all were thinking the same thing, their hands reached out, palms facing the sky. A step forward was his first movement, urged to join them, staring at all of their out-stretched hands, welcoming him. The pool of water exploded, a pillar of water shot up towards the sky and then washed outwards in a wave. Standing motionless in the dream, he tried to turn and run, but felt heavy. The force crashed over him throwing his body in every direction before...

Lurching from the bed he sat up, sweating profusely and heaving his chest in what felt like he just ran a marathon. A pain in his stomach led him from the damp sheets and up onto his feet. Roaming to the bathroom, he washed his face of sweat and took a long look deep into his face. For a moment he didn't notice the long scratch on his stomach. Pressing his hand to it, there was no pain, no blood but seemed to pulsate. Turning the water back on he dabbed it slowly with a wet cloth, no blood or residue was left upon the rage, but it felt deep. The pain he felt before begin to grow. So much so he leaned back and held himself up using the wall. Taking deep breaths he revised to call someone. Stumbling to his phone, he pulled it off the hook and dialed the 9 before he dropped it. A searing heat shot from the scratch, traveling all through his body. Hands shot to the spot of the scratch and could feel fine hairs starting to grow. His jaw ached, everything about it, his teeth, gums, everything. Tongue rolled across his teeth to find sharp points growing. The pain dulled and soon begin to feel good, and intensity in his body was growing. Although a bit of fear gripped him, he only wanted to delve deeper. Ears pushed up, sharping to points. Opening his eyes he climbed to his feet, staring down across his nose, seeing it slowly pull up. No longer a scream, but a growl erupted from his mouth.

Looking to his hands, the fine hairs were slowly becoming fur, finger nails were becoming dark, fine points were now apparent. His nose slowly grew darker as he felt like someone was pulling his face off. Bones snapping and reforming as his skull was pulled out into a long muzzle. Teeth become razor sharp as he bit down, accidentally nipping his lip, but the pain was nothing compared to the thrilling pleasure of this transformation. His pajamas were tearing as the muscles in every inch of his body ripped and regrew so quickly, it looked like he was going to explode. His groin was no different, a strong scent was smelt by his slowly developing nose. His cock nearly exploding from his pants, erect, doubling in size before he dropped to his knees once more. Any fat upon his body was burned away, leaving stone hard muscle, his tongue drooping from his mouth before he threw his head back and howled from his home. Legs and feet weren't going to be left out as his thighs became thick no doubt his running ability wouldn't suffer after this. Clothing a shred upon the floor the new wolf growled from his spot on the floor, the final snapping and convulsing finished as his new body finally became his.

Opening his eyes he stared to the floor, his new wolf cock sputtering out a few strings of seed upon the floor, yet the creature was not embarrassed, it felt right and he felt amazing. Standing up, he stretched to the ceiling, bumping his head, as he found the change came with a size difference. Looking down upon his living room couch he spotted a pair of sun glasses, slightly too big before he thought. Reaching down he picked them up, and slid them perfectly upon his face. Growling in a fit of excitement he moved through the house slowly, feeling out the new body, he was lighter on his feet, stronger then ever and his mind seemed to face a million miles a second as every smell, touch and taste rocketed through his system. Though a soreness could be felt, tired from his change, he roamed back to the living room, pushing the furniture aside and making a spot in the center of the room. Dropping down upon the floor he laid on his back, dreams took him quickly.

He found himself back in the dream from before, yet he was no longer a human. The creatures around the pool of water could be made out, detail in their faces. Their hands once more hanging the air, beckoning him. He no longer held and hesitations or fears, taking the first hand he came to he heard only one thing.

"Welcome home"


Totally approachable, friendly and enjoys a good conversation as well as a good romp. He doesn't shy away from the fact that he would sleep with anything that moves if he could. He is a whore and he enjoys it.

Editing the Description: input the right password and

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