Name: Victoria Bernart
Character Birthday: 6 / 6 / 1982
Sex: Herm
City: Berlin
Additional info: Age- 25
Height- 6'0"
Weight- 160 lbs
Species- Panda
Hair color- Black
Eye color- Green
Shoe size- 14
Preference- Pansexual, heavily prefers other herms or males.
Loves- Transformation, herms, mind control, rape, demons, excessive cum, cock growth, giving it and getting it. And EVIL. God, I fucking love evil.
Hates- Blood, bondage, catheters..
Plays: Mostly dom, but will sub on occasion. This doesn't mean I don't like bottoming, I'll just do it in a dommy way.
The rather hefty panda's just sitting there.. Sitting there, sunken into the couch, totally absorbed in a BOOK. Seriously, who actually reads books anymore? Shi looks up for a quick second, meeting your gaze by chance. Hir eyes seem to shine bright green for a moment, and shi smiles.
Hir book's left on the couch as shi saunters toward you; and saunter would be the right word to describe it.. Each dainty, feminine step causes hir perky, if large breasts to bounce a bit, barely constrained by a bright green top.. Dainty, feminine steps not at all easy due to hir size. Shi stands at about six feet tall, looking rather heavyset, not quite muscular, but not quite fat, either. If someone called her chubby, they'd be all-too right. Your gaze travels downward; Shi has no big, flabby belly, but instead a nice, toned stomach, The faint lines of muscle just barely visible beneath hir creamy, white fur. Hir hips flare out beneath her toned belly, a tight pair of jeans clinging tightly 'round her decidedly feminine curves, as well as some definite male features..
Wait, what?
That's right, Vicky's a herm, and a rather well-endowed one at that, judging by the size of the bulge in the front of hir pants. The small of hir back gives way to a firm, yet large ass, copious buttocks filling out that pair of tight bluejeans quite nicely.. You notice hir tail swishing behind hir as she walks, long and bushy, instead of short as is the norm for gals of hir species, ringed black and white like a raccoon's.
Shi has no shoes on, hir feet rather large for a panda.. Hir legs slimming out a bit, ironically giving hir a dainty appearance. Both hir hands and hir feet are adorned with black, leathery pads, each digit tipped in nails painted bright purple. Shi stops no more than a few feet away from you. Then it hits you.
Hir musk usually has a rather pleasant affect on people, a mix of hir natural phermones and those of other furs she's become.. Acquanted with. In short, she smells like musky, sweaty sex. The scent isn't at all unpleasant, usually it has quite the opposite affect on those lucky enough to catch a whiff.. The scent fills your head, clings to the inside of your nose, swirls around inside your skull.. Shi stops and stands there, putting hir hands on hir hips and smiling at you.
You look up and see hir face light up. Short cropped brown hair dusts the top of hir head, large, fuzzy ears protruding oddly from hir skull. Hir muzzle's a bit short, hir nose poking out from the tip at an upward tilting angle, giving hir an all-too girlish appearance. Hir full, pouting lips painted a dark shade of purple part to reveal sharp, glinting teeth as shi smiles at you. Hir eyes shine a brilliant shade of green once more, almond shaped, half-lidded, wickedly curved black lashes curled back adorning them.
"Well hi, what's your name?"
And ( ), for those interested.