
7 feet 8 inches

No slaves
No mates
No home
Only the skills he knows keep him alive and fed.

A survivalist in the purest sense, doing whatever it takes to get by and not putting his neck out unless he had something to gain. Raised, if you can call it that, deep in a forest by a woodsmen that happened upon a young child crying over the corpse of his mother. Taught to hunt, fish, farm, and fight, he left the forest to make his way in the world. Finding that interpersonal relationships not a strong point, he leans towards the wilderness, striking for a populated area only when he needs some sort of supplies.

Though he has found that after a few stiff drinks he becomes less anxious around others, sometimes leading to him over indulgence and making a fool of himself.
Recently he was changed...physically, though you wouldn't know it unless it was shown to you.
(This Character is based on WoW lore and geography.)

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Page last autogenerated at Wed, Mar 12 / 2014 (10:13 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)