Name: Zell
Age: 247
Orientation: Bisexual
Weight: approx. two tons.
- 14 feet from ground to shoulder
- 20 feet from ground to top of head
- 38 feet from nose to tailtip
Naughty bits:
- Four feet long, tapered like a dolphin's.
- Only about one inch wide at the tip, gradually thickening to ten near the base.
- No knot, internal, very drippy.
Personality: Generally a horny bastard, sometimes hyper, sometimes a boring lump of scales, but always eager for snuggles/conversation. Gentle and caring despite his large size, has an unquenchable lust for anything shiny.
Arts by super Snowbunny~
last autogenerated at Sun, Jan 13 / 2013 (06:02 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding
by Kobayen (hey, I deserve
some credit!)