Name: Model No. B000128 Zeitaku Baipu ( Zeita for short)
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 150 lb.
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Appearance: The Model Zeita is built of a titanium frame, hollowed out for weight, and covered in a lamella designed neoprene casing. This allows for it to be durable for long lasting use in a normal enviroment.
A layer of silicone and latex is placed over that and covered in cyberskin for a realistic look.
It comes with a large range of attachments found in a cargo hold compartment on it's back for male and female entertainment.
Internally it has many additional features, such as a replicator that produces verious fluids allowing for a realistic experience.
For all intent and purposes it looked like an attractive slim bunny.
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Personality: The Model Zeita has a simplistic artificial intelligence, this is balanced with a single yottabyte removable hard drive. This allows it to record and store personal preferances, personality interface, and randomly access information useful for conversations. Althought it starts off limited in it's abilities, as you interact with it, it will "learn" with you.
This model has been given the gender hermaphrodite, and it's basic interface password protected to the primary user, and owner " Dracon". Only Dracon can change the basic programming.
This model uses verbal commands preprogrammed into it. Simply say "youmei" to activate this model's manual interface, and then tell it what you want or need. This model does come with a self protection protocol so that accidental or deliborate commands that may damage this mode are disregarded respectfully.