
A form jumps to the edge of the porcelain tub and balances there. This is Yanne, the twin star of Semnae:

He is a Fennec fox, the rather diminutive species from Africa that bears extra large ears and a rather fluffier tail than their red cousins. Yanne however has pure white fur and green eyes. He has a rather slim athletic build, much like a swimmer, standing at about 5'5'' tall.

Piercings cover his ears. There are eight in his left and four in his right. To augment these he has a ring through each nipple and quite a few tattoos.

The tattoos are almost entirely black and colour the fur that grows from them. He has black roses around his hips with a few trailing up his belly and one opening into bloom in the centre of his chest. There are tiger like stripes along the outsides of his legs, thighs and arms. On the inside of his left wrist there is a black sun outlined in everchanging opalescent colour. On his back he has a black bat wing on each shoulder blade.

He usually wears a plain black tshirt and a pair of black bermuda shorts. He thinks so much about his markings that when it comes to clothing he just wants a break from thinking about design. Oh and he wears his mane of white fur up in tufts and spikes...happy day.

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Page last autogenerated at Wed, Apr 12 / 2006 (10:26 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)