
You walk into the room, and the first thing you notice is a strange blend of colors. You turn your head to the eye-catching radiance, and find yourself pulled into the stunning creature's force. She turns her head from up above her perch, looking at you with a warm smile. The curves, you must admit, are strange for someone as such in the avian form. Interestingly enough, she does not bare hair, but instead blended violet feathers, longer than the others, but simply short enough to spike up at the top of her head. Body color, a light satin-looking white.

By her chest, more feathers lie, a soft silky blue, there to cover certain areas of her upper body. You move your attention to her hips and waist, a creamy light beige making it's way onto only a portion of her belly, leaking in from only half of her back. Eyes can't seem to help themselves, and you move your gaze from her waist to her tail, the tip resembling much like her chest, a soft light blue.

She wriggles her tail feathers, which breaks you from the trance, and you look up into her eyes. She lifts a brow, blinking at you, and you finally -notice- her eyes. Mystical, almost translucent, as if you could see right through her into her mind, yet stern, and cold as if blocking you from entering. A stunning light yellow, far from the other colors on her body, her eyes draw you closer towards her. Again, she blinks, and cocks her head, as you notice that she's sitting happily on her perch, a large, rooted tree in the corner of the tub, simply a few feet from the entrance.

Eyes move away from her as you blink up, the tree touching the ceiling, and makes it's way into the nooks and crannies up into the rafters. You squint your eyes, and can barely make out, the shape of a small nest nestled happily up in one of the branches. Following your gaze, she averts her attention to where you're staring up at, and then looks back at you, the curious expression still planted in her face.

You look back down, noticing clawed feet, talons curling as she sits, and after a minute you notice that she's holding up a book. Blinking, she looks back down to the pages, flipping one, and finally skimming through the words. Still curious, you approach her, smiling up at the avian silently swinging her legs over the edge of the branch. Her eyes dart to look at you, face still not moving from the position of staring down at her book. And soon, she turns her head, light beige neck feathers standing slightly.

She opens her beak, the color of it the lightest orange-y yellow.The tip, slightly darker. Turning her head, she blinks again, and finally speaks in a light, almost whisper-y tone.

"Can I help you?"


Name: Xnala [Nah-lah]-- (You do not pronounce the X) Torohkaii [Toro- ka- ee]
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Occupation: Tub lurker, and resident avian.
S. Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single


Despite being called radiantly beautiful, pretty, hot, or whatever else she is called, Xnala has never officially settled down with anyone. Nor plans to. The whole idea of love between real people in a chat room is both confusing, and not that based off of anything other than literate skills and how someone makes you feel when they type in the words, "I love you."

You read the words, but you can't profoundly hear them from the person's mouth. Anyway, this is only her own opinion, and no one else's. She basically prefers to stay a bachelorette. Period.

Although enjoying the spontaneous snuggle now and again, she is rarely found taking a male to her nest without totally and completely being sure of the male. Oddly will it be found that females are at her nest, though the usual get-together allows all genders to attend her home once in a while.

[-more to come-]

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Page last autogenerated at Wed, May 21 / 2008 (12:08 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)