Xinjinmeng is a humanoid dragon, standing somewhere over 160cm when her head is held high. Her bristly hair is white, draped below her shoulder-blades. Two catfish-whisker barbels descend a dozen centimeters from either side of her pointed face, curled lopsidedly. Irregular whiskers protrude all about her cheeks and jaw, culminating in a rather thin Van Dyke beard on her chin. Two pointed nubs are visible on her head, the beginnings of stag's horns. When she smiles, her bony cheeks reveal delicate dimples. Xinjinmeng sees the world through heavy-lidded, large yellow eyes.
Xinjinmeng's scales are blue, but her hair remains white, her horns are a dull gold. In the right light, the tiny diatom scales of her hide can be seen, as well as the larger ventral plates of her neck and belly.
Xinjinmeng usual wears a Tibetian li-shu robe, adorned with fourteen brightly-colored symbols, such as the sun, a pheasant, a tiger, a willow tree, a Chinese dragon, etc., with a noticeable bulge around her lower belly. She often keeps her hands in her sleeves and stands stock still, though her long, tufted tail can't help but twitch, or thump the ground angrily. Her walk is exaggeratedly graceful, with shoulders held back, as she holds two ponderous breasts which look like they might pop out of her silks if she bends over too far.