A sizable specimen of some form of suidae - standing loftily at the seven-foot mark - this boar had likely spent a number of his days under a particularly glaring sun, hard at work: his skin, while a healthy, fleshy pink found in most species of his domestic siblings was particularly flush and sunbeaten, especially over his shoulders and head in a way that left it weathered and tanned beneath the usual coat of short, coarse hair that dusted his body, a growth that was kept only slightly longer upon his head as an unkempt, fuzzy mohawk, and on his chin as a wispy sort of goatee.
His hands were rough and calloused, and his hooves showed only signs of recent care and maintenance, otherwise cracked in places and looking rather worn out. A large, heavy golden ring hung from his nose, an unusually bovine feature in the way of stereotypes, and though his left ear was pierced with a series of matching hoops, his right bore only a single, larger hole, evidence of a piercing removed.
The boar's visage was usually one of intense thought while at rest, complimented by more than a hint of taciturn scowl, framed by yellowed, sharpened tusks, and filled by worn teeth. His sensitive nose often worked to test his surroundings, and his gaze was often squinting and judgmental.
A lumbering form, the boar - known only and truly as '35', based on the roman numeric tattoos on his upper left arm - was large and wide, with a defined musculature to his limbs complimented by a rotund, appropriately porcine belly. Another tattoo appeared over a portion of his chest by his right shoulder, appearing like some sort of intricate chainweave armour, working into a sleeve that ran down his right limb to the elbow.
Clothing was simple: an oilskin loincloth would do in most situations, worn alongside a hefty, leather harness, studded by steel. Other times, profession-based clothing was at times worn instead, of most note a blacksmith's apron and a.. gardening hat? While obviously never worn at once, the latter's vividness and bright colours certainly felt out of place on the hulking creature.