
Name: Ken Wolfe
Sex: Male
Age: Looks to be 18, but might be in his 20's
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 160 pounds
Mate: None
Owner: None
Sexual Preferance: Just ask

Grey almost transparent fur covering his entire body, with the exception from him scalp which is acctually bright grey, hanging down in bangs, some of the bangs are bright blue with pearls attached to them.

His muzzle is lined with two bright white lines going from either one of his eyes and down to his muzzle. Both his fluffy ears are piereced with at least 4 golden rings in each.

Wolfe has a long and muscular body, not the brutish one you might find in a fotball player, but the sort of lean body of an athlete running alot. He wears an open black shirt, with the logo "Kamashisoft" and a small dragon next to the name, and nothing underneath it, you might notice one of his pierced nipples if you are lucky, he tends not to zip up the shirt.

Ken Wolfe is by proffesion a 'pencil artist' which i does not explain why he constantly sneaks around in tight leather pants. strapped with small knives and such, they DO give away his form though, nice curved and muscular legs, good for jumpin or running. His pants also spot a tailhole for his fluffy grey tail to emerge from. A bulge on the front is also visible, noteable size, but nothing extreme.

Wolfe wears no footwear, but has a set of fine and sturdy black paws.

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Page last autogenerated at Thu, Jun 28 / 2007 (09:51 AM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)