
Wolf O'Donnell is the leader of team Star Wolf, a group seemingly formed to rival Star Fox.Wolf and his team was hired by Andross to deal with Star Fox during his attempt to takeover the Lylat System. As a result, Wolf and Leon were joined by Pigma, former Star Fox pilot, and Andrew Oikonny, the nephew of Andross. The team encountered Star Fox on Fichina while leading a fleet of Venomian ships. Despite their advantage, the Star Wolf team was defeated. They fight again on Bolse, only to lose yet again. After most of Andross's forces had been defeated, Star Wolf arrived to defend Venom and were defeated yet again.

In the nine years after, Wolf became known as 'Lord O'Donnell' among the criminals at the Sargasso Space Hideout. When Fox invaded Sargasso looking for Pigma, Wolf organized his team (consisting now of himself, Leon, and Panther) to take down Star Fox, but was inevitable defeated. However, once the Aparoid threat become more apparent, Wolf and his team arrived on Corneria to provide Fox some neccessary aid. Afterwards, Star Wolf provided Star Fox backup two different times, including the battle on the Aparoid Homeworld. After the planet exploded, the Star Wolf team was nowhere to be found.

Star Wolf continued their lives of crime, not unnoticed by the Cornerian military. In response, a bounty was placed on their heads (Wolf has the largest bounty, at S$3000000). To avoid the military's attention, they set up a base on Fichina.

Wanting to remove their bounties and tired of being seen as villains, Star Wolf began to plot out a way to defeat the Anglar Empire. After a battle with Fox, Slippy, and Lucy Hare (assuming Fox and Slippy went to Lucy's aid), the team split up. While Leon and Panther went to Katina, Wolf was presumably researching a device that Andross built that would neutralize the toxicity of the Venom Sea. Star Fox found the device on Titania first, however, and Star Wolf was not seen again.

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