Subject Designation: Wocrun
Species Designation: Zerephym
Description: Subject appears similar, in only the most basic ways, to a terran canine. Covered in an off-white fur, it appears to come from colder origins than our planet. Subject demonstrates mannerisms similar to canines when expressing curiosity or confusion (Tilting of the head), affection or sympathy (attempts to nuzzle into observers' necks has been documented).
Subject measures 8 feet in height from toes to head when standing, 5 feet when on all fours. Tail measures a full 3 feet in length and appears prehensile. Limbs are overly long and lanky, much like the rest of the subject's body, almost gaunt and underfed in appearance, and yet they hold a surprising amount of strength.
Subject's fur exhibits strange colouration patterns, almost tribal in nature, and yet appear to be natural ( fur shaved from coloured areas grows back in the same pattern and shade. Current subject's colouration patterns manifest as a deep forest green. Whether this is normal for their race, or a unique manifestation has yet to be seen. When tested for sight, subject's eye colour was recorded as 'mercury'. Subject displays no iris or pupil in either eye, simply a metallic shade on all angles.
Upon further observation, subject appears to be male, though possesses no external testes or sexual organs. Upon arousal however, a rather unique male appendage appears from a hidden pocket in his pelvis. It measures just shy of 13 inches in length, and has the colouration of his fur markings, though more vibrant. At later observation, it was discovered that the creature has a secondary male sex organ that emerges from the underside of its tail, a few inches down its length. What purpose this secondary organ serves, we have yet to determine.
Supplemental note: Subject is a quick learner, and we have taken advantage of this in an attempt to teach it to speak. While its English improves by the day, pronunciation and certain sounds give the subject difficulty. It is suspected that the creatures vocal capacity differs from ours enough that fluent speech will never be possible.