Vox Procellas Is an up and coming musician finding her way in the big city after running away from her aristocratic parents. not haveing much fine control over her lightning, she found a way to do what she loved while still being able to go all out without hurting anyone.
(ex post and backstory fragment)
"This was not a normal club for Vox to be in. Normally, so got the occasional gig for smaller clubs, or preformed for her friend who hosted the occasional rave, but this was something else. Apparently her name had gotten around, because when she got home from college the day before, she had found a letter waiting for her at her condo. It was an invitation to preform at one of the better known bars in the area, and she was unsure if she was up for it. Eventually however, it came time for her to swallow her insecurities and walk out on stage, and so, that is exactly what she did. As she gazed out over the top of her rather unique sound equipment at the sea of faces in the room before her, all her uncertainties just melted away, as they always did. She climbed into the metal sphere made of wire mounted atop her array of electronics with a cocky grin and a swish of her subtly sparking tail before raising her hands and announcing in a booming voice: "Goood evening, ladies and gentelmen! I hope you're ready to have your minds blown, because tonight, I've got something special for you! that's right, I'm not just another DJ here to feed you the same mindless track after track that you hear every night, because tonight you have the one, the only, VOX!" she raised her arms into the air as lightning erupted from her form, striking the metal cage in a dazzling array of sparks that distorted the air around her, resulting in her name coming out distorted and buzzing like it had been run through a synthesizer. after that, the show started in earnest as she began to dance on stage like a crazy person, lightning arcing from her form in continuous pulses of plasma that lit up the area and generated the unique buzzing notes her music was becoming famous for, while her sound system backed it up with a thumping beat and still more distortions as the lightning played over them aswell.