
Well Vince is a well built tall wolf with soft blue eyes. His fur is a dark almost pitch black tone of gray. He usually wears a trench coat full of 'tools' for his work. other then that his outfit regularly changes, anything from his biker kicks to a prep school outfit might be beneath the black leather trench coat. when it comes down to his work, he is nothing more then a price and a nod, having fallen victim to that old thought that everyone has a price. He's nothing close to innocent even if he wants you to believe differently.

His build is developed and he is rather strong. He stands a little taller then the average wolf pushing ten feet when he stands up straight. He also has a few scars hidden beneath his fur along his body and one visible scar over his shoulder where the flesh was burned in a straight line like someone took a heated iron bar and pushed it against his arm.

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