
One of the last pictures seen of Viala.

Twenty years ago, a woman--named Patricia--got married to a wealthy Italian businessman named Giovanni. Both were in love, a couple who seemed to be on top of the world. Giovanni had a small black market business ontop of his legit career, which fed the family for life. Aside from his dealings, Patricia, who had lived the better part of her 30 years in New York, had her own little assortment of funds and jobs. Neither of them appeared out-of-the-ordinary. In fact, no one suspected them of petty crimes and widescale fraud.

Giovanni had an ex which was a very malevolent woman. He had thought she had disappeared sometime after he proposed to Patricia, allowing the new couple time to move their things into a new place. A place, he had hoped, would not attract his ex; a woman named Charlie. Charlie was a particularly vicious canine bitch, who had everything she wanted when she was with Giovanni. Without Giovanni, however, she had crumbled to streetwalking and drug use. An unfortunate end to a woman who had aspirations of being an actress. Giovanni's influence over the local film community had vanished with him. When she had heard that Giovanni had moved on, engaged to this lovely new woman, she had began to make plans. Plans that would, unfortunately, lead to less-than-pleasant results. Or so she hoped.

Over the course of this time, a few years had passed. They were married and happy. Patricia, now 33, was pregnant with Viala; their first child, a daughter. It wasn't before long whem Giovanni started getting unusual phonecalls in the middle of the night--but there was no voice on the other line. Just soft breathing, as if fueled by anxiety. He had their phone tapped by a local service he had a favor from; their findings were inconclusive, but they maintained the tap. Patricia, unaware of the turmoil starting to boil within her husband, continued life without so much as a hitch. The phonecalls eventually stopped, leaving them in peace. At least, Giovanni. It wasn't until Viala was 10 years old that the woman, Charlie, had surfaced for real. After so long, she had succumb to the drugs--only 40 years old and now she looked 10 years older.

Giovanni ran into Charlie at a small eatery not far from the home he shared with his new family. Surprised at this encounter, it was awkward. A small conversation blossomed, but Charlie seemed *pleasant* .. even Giovanni had no idea the hate that seethed under the woman's skin. He had coffee with her and caught up with her. It was then that the woman, who had been plotting to get back at Giovanni, was informed of the daughter. There was still trust between then, since their breakup wasn't that bad; it was just that he did not see himself with a woman that could potentially be violent after several rounds of alcohol. And alcohol was Charlie's friend, aside from drugs. Several lunch dates later, after Patricia had gotten into the routine of taking Viala to school, Charlie had figured out that Viala was the heir to the D'annunzio fortunes. It didn't take long for her to, using the money that she had accumulated after many failed attempts at acting more than the television circuit, hire people to help her track the movements of Patricia and Viala.

Within 6 years, at the age of 46, Charlie had all the information she needed. Why it took her so long to act is probably up for debate--some say that it was the love she still had for Giovanni. Others speculate that, though she was prone to violence inebriated, sober was less of a threat. Whatever the reason, Viala was targeted for assassination. Now at 16, and well on her way to becoming a star herself--more for modeling and posing than acting--Viala was up and coming. Her father, now aging rather beautifully, had stopped his criminal ways and opened up a winery in the fields that owned at the ranch mansion complex. Her mother had succumb to the busy life of a housewife, working out of home on computer-based things. Viala had begun her journey into womanhood.

At the age of 17, when Viala was sent off to a camp for up and coming models... she came home to a gruesome sight. Her parents had been brutally murdered. There were no eyewitnesses and no evidence leading to a suspect so far. Some speculate that the assassins were there for Viala. But did not expect her to be away. Viala was stunned and ended up, because of shock merely running off with one of her many guy friends who were gay. Eventually, lost and afraid, Viala found herself in what is better known as The Tub. Now eighteen, after a year of flight with a friend that ended up abandoning her, she has found herself a place to hide--until she is certain that the killer is either found or killed.

--Personal Information--

Age: 17
Species: Snow Leopard/Snowmew
Orientation: Bi-sexual (w/ a male preference)
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 130-140lbs

Eye color: Green/Emeraldine
Hair color: Black (beyond the shoulders)
Fur color and Patterns: Typical patterns found and associated with her species. Each pattern is different, however, and she is quite unique for her species.

Kinks and Turn-offs:
RH Profile

Viala is a very easy-going person. She is emotional however and prone to moments of extreme depression or sometimes extreme energy. Her emotions are usually kept in check by her own regime of medicines given to her by a friend to stabilize the traumatized mental state she happens to carry around as baggage.

Fortunately, her moods are fairly easy to maintain. All smiles mostly. A very kind soul with her heart often pinned to her sleeve. She can also be quite sexually driven, having periods where she's very sensual and others were she's not at all respondent.

Interested in: None
Courting/Dating: None

Mate: None, Uncertain if she is looking or not.
Master/Mistress: Could be interested at a later date.
Pet(s): Could be interested at a later date.

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Page last autogenerated at Sat, May 09 / 2009 (09:15 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)