A large 'female' Ent, Valli is a rather large 15'2 plant like being who roams for her own entertainment. While she has a female looking body she is technically a hermaphrodite with her ability to grow and replace body parts at a whim.
Looking at her one would see she is obviously plant like with her many branches that tend to form slowly when in one place for long periods of time, her branch like arms and hands, and her wood like skin. While strong and flexible, her body is still in need of water and sunlight as proper. However she does have the ability to eat normally.
Her body tends to create various fruits, flowers, and other such things on a whim however usually to convey emotions( As such if in a very good mood tasty stuff grows from her branches! certain colored flowers show good emotions, while 'dead' looking plants can show bad ones). If one was to touch her, she can be as smooth as she wants with near full bodily control
Her most noticeable features is the bone like plant that grows in the placement of teeth, fleshy like insides, and of course her eyes made of a natural crystal of nature magic.
---Rarely she will meditate and use her magics to project her inner self instead of her bulky normal form.
This inner self is more or less her 'soul' given form; an elvish like woman with tanned kin, crystal eyes, thin vines with leaves & flowers for hair that reaches her shoulders, and a rather flexible form. Although the most... noticeable thing instantly is her heavy D cup chest that she claims is because of her personal likes.