Ultima's ferocity, majesty, and sheer hugeness nearly defy description. She appears as a 30-foot-tall pure white tiger-like being, with two pairs of vast wings, the inner set being feathered, and the larger outer set covered in white scales. Her talons and toeclaws shine like diamond.
She often carries with her a tremendously large sub-machine gun, which seems to be made of crystal. Thusly, the magazine is transparent, and can be seen to be loaded with dozens of Tyrannosaurus Rex. The T. Rex's are an incendiary round, as well, and burst into flames upon exiting the barrel of the crystal SMG.
Ultima has a deep, but beautiful voice, and she can sound like a choir of angels, no, several choirs of angels, when she sings, which she enjoys doing. Her song is capable of inducing ecstatic bliss to all within hearing range, which incidentally, is about five miles.
Ultima is omniscient, but not omnipotent. She enjoys answering questions, though she may take her time, even hundreds of years, if it is a truly thought-provoking inquiry.