
Name: Doku Ueki
Species: Living plant
Gender: male
Orientation: Bi
Status: Single
Likes: meat, snuggling, water, sun, nice people
Dislikes: vegetarians, weed whackers, mean people

Main "flower" form. looks like a normal plant but its "head" contains teeth a leaf like tongue. can move, talk, use vines like hands, eat. Can grow with food, sun, and water.

Height: 4 feet.(to top of bulb, not including pedals. With petals: 4' 9)
Weight : 60 pounds.
pedals: bright red melting into purple tips

Naga like form, a human( waist and up) like body with a long waist down into whare its planted in a large plant pot. Can let off a sweet smell that is able to relax or paralize.
Height: 5' 5
Weight : 110 pounds
Eyes: light Violet
skin color: a light green
Head Hair: bright red melting into purple

"Complete human" form: unable to use vines, but gains strength from sun and water, as well as nails can grow into 'claws. claws and teeth contain a Neurotoxin( causes paralysis). skinny-ish with meduim muscle.
Height: 5' 9
Weight : 147 pounds
skin color: white with a light green tint
Eyes: dark violet
Head Hair: bright red melting into purple

shaft size: 7 in by 2 1/2 in.

Doku Ueki is the final part of a failed experiment of humanity (including fur's) to try and create a plant that will be able to grow in harsh weather conditions (extreme heat, extreme cold, etc). Due to an accident, the plant's dominant gene was over stimulated, Soon gaining a mind of it's own and growing out of control. The Forest of experimental plants soon formed an avatar to give itself a voice. Thus Doku Ueki was created.

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Page last autogenerated at Wed, Jul 29 / 2015 (10:27 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)