
Species: Jackal; demonic (thinks there was a little feline in his blood line as well). His mother was raped by a demon, giving him the demonic portion of his genetics. What kind of demon it was, he is not sure, but assumes his name is more than a hint.

Height and weight: 6 feet, 217 pounds. Demonic Form: 7.5 feet, 300 pounds.

Attire: Wears loose-fitting, black, bondage pants, and a black, short-sleeved, button down shirt which he leaves open. He wears his arm-warmers at all times, and almost never takes off his spiked collar.

(Used, and colored with permission from the artist. Only problem I have with this picture is the hair. I prefer it more spiked, and slicked back.)

Personality: Sometimes tries to be semi-sociable, but it's difficult. He'd rather cause problems than fake being kind. A little difficult to get along with, once somebody becomes his friend it gets much easier. Not very playful most of the time, but if he's under the influence he can be.

Sexual traits: Is bisexual to a point. He has nothing against taking a male, but prefers the more feminine ones. Also, he will never allow himself to be on the receiving end.
For a time, Troian was strongly into rape, but he quickly found that even the mention of the word, "rape", got every single male up in arms to protect every female, whether they wanted it or not, and despite the fact that it's impossible to rape somebody via the internet. It's more troublesome than anything, so Troian rarely attempts rape anymore. Even then it is only in rp situations unless the ok is given. In truth, rough or violent sex is just as enjoyable with the right partner.

Demonic Traits: (For those who don't want to google "troian + demon", a troian is a night demon). Troian's abilities center around darkness, and are at their peak at night. At night time he can move, fully integrated, through shadows, as well as become a shadow himself. He can also control darkness in his immediate vicinity, and use it as a weapon. During the day time he has a severely limited version of his powers, only able to turn shadowy in appearance, and use his own shadow as a weapon. In the middle of the night, in complete darkness, he is a force to be rockoned with. (However, I detest fighting on the internet, so you'll rarely see Troian use his abilities aggressively).
Due to a run in with his father (details spared) Troian was imbued with the ability to take on a demonic form, pictured below (stolen from Chronicles of Riddick). His abilities remain the same, however he becomes notably faster, stronger, and more aggressive. His fur turns to a thick hide of spines giving him added defenses as well.

Recently, Troian acquired his first magical technique from, of all things, a human. After a prolonged period of study, and practice Troian mastered a transformation spell. When he needs a hightened defense, he can transform into what is known as an, "Alligator Snapping Turtle". He is in anthro form, of course, but is relatively slow due to his immense mass in this form (Estimated at around 1 ton, and between 6 and 7 feet tall). His spiked shell is virtually impenetrable from both the top and underside, and his skin is thick and rough with barbs around the neck and tail. He has small claws on his hands and feet, and a strong tail, but his main weapon in this form are his powerful jaws, which can snap shut with the same force as that of an alligator, hence the name of the species.

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