
Naked Base Form Description: Tris is a white hare standing about 6' 7" tall, his upper body slender but strong and his legs thick and powerful, but still lithe and blending softly into his torso, joined by his almost feminine hips and round supple ass. Between his legs hangs an ample sac and sheath, just barely under a size that would be supernatural, the sheathe extending up to a few inches under his navel, a set of curly black pubes around the tip of his sheathe with a wift of them going up to his navel. These contrast with his white bodyfur well, which is thick straight and short. Also contrasting the bodyfur is his soft long hair that glistens like strands of obsidian that hangs down to around his shoulderblades. From his hair, two large ears hang down further to just above their owner’s teardrop tail. Towards the tips on each ear were black markings that evoke the image of fire or energy. Behind his ears was a faint silver tribal design of feathered wings that took up most of his back. Another bizarre marking is a tattoo in blood crimson showing as reddened fur that reads XLII-(Omega) in a band around his left arm. On his right forearm is a blue band that seems to represent water. All other fur on his body is the pure white of newly fallen snow on the night of a full moon. In contrast to this, all his flesh is pitch black IE his pawpads, lips, just around his eyes, his nose, tongue, inside of the mouth, nipples, Cock, and tailhole. Inside his mouth, he has glistening sharp white teeth with predatory fangs that seem to be between mammal and reptile. His tongue itself is very long, and like the rest of his body, quite elastic, and ends in a forked tip. His eyes change color with his mood, but most often they are violet, indicating his nigh undying Lust. The other colors, with their emotions, are: Blue for Joy, Green for Confusion, Yellow for Sorrow, Orange for Annoyance, Red for Craving (A state of wrath in which he will devour the cause of the state) and Brown for Fear. His pupils themselves are Rhombic Slits, which can expand into complete squares, or contract into angular slits, with two points on a vertical line.

Clothing: Tris is known to wear several outfits. One is the character image, when he's fighting. When he's casual and playful he wears tight jeans and a lavender jacket with no undershirt. He is known to wear a kilt shirtless with armor on his arms for ceremonial and gladatorial purposes. He might also wear daisy duke cut jean shorts and a halter top if he's feeling especially playful.

Preferences in RP: I only have a couple things I don't like, really. I don't like permanent changes to my character (Other than like a mark on my body, that I can deal with) That includes permanent vore. I don't like scat eating and scat play, but I am okay with defecation after digestion and will play that if asked. And for the Gods' sake, I'm gay. I'll play with a masculine herm, but any more female bits than that and I get uncomfortable and my mood is lost, barring certain exceptions. Additional information here

Alt forms.
Plantbunny form. He looks the same as his normal form, but he smells of flowers and his fur tastes like sweet syrup. In this form he can convert any part of his body into any plant configuration he can think of. Usually he creates vines.

Latex. The hare is fully white except for his tattoos, which are their standard colors. His hair has melded down to his scalp, leaving with a smooth head apart from his ears, which are normal. He is not a balloonie, but rather made of mostly solid latex. He is very stretchy, though, and he smells of vanilla.

Liquidshifter. appearing to be made of white marble or mother of pearl. He can do anything to his body except change his volume in this form.

Autobot. He disguises himself as a silver 1988 Mazda RX-7 Convertible, but his real shape is an 18 foot tall, 6 feet abroad, 3 foot thick rabbit mecha.

Angel. Tristan grows large white wings from his back and all his tattooed markings fade to white. In this form he has angelic healing powers and holy attacks, as well as a halo that appears when he's happy.

Otter. In this form Tristan appears much the same as his normal hare form, except that the black marks from his ears are a band around his tailbase, and that he is an otter with an unusually long tail. He is often pudgy and a little overweight in this form. Recently, his armband stops being a label in otter form, and rather a band of red that seems to symbolise fire.

Tanuki. In this form, Tristan's fur is a mostly white, except for his black hair, a dark gray mask, and the dark gray rings on his long bushy tail (The ring nearest to his tailbase is darker, almost black, and is shaped in the manner of the band he gets around his tail in otter form. His genitals are enhanced in this shape, his testes hanging down to his knees and wider than his hips would be normally. However, in this form, he is also quite overweight, his hips wide and his gut pudgy and nearly obscuring his sheath from how it hangs.

Lamia. Tris has recently been given the ability to become a lamia, about 27 feet long, covered with fur along his body matching his anthro torso, everthing from his waist up looking naturally Tristan.

Naga. A certain Verile muscular tiger changed his lamia form, tapping into the snakelike parts in it to change him fully into a 50 foot long snake with an anthropomorphic torso rather more feminine than as a hare, but still male, his head fully serpentine. Through some alterations, his scales are alternating black and white in complex patterns, mixed between tribal and natural snake markings.

Eevee. Due to some interactions with a very cockvorish Umbreon, followed by said 'eon's dallyings with a fem he knew... well, a while later a baby Eevee was born, white with all of Tristan's markings, what was black before in dark blue. He was trained in vore by his Daddy, then let out into the world. Where he was promptly captured. Oh well, he's happy with his new Trainer, and recently his body was shifted to be anthropomorphic. He only stands 4 feet tall, and he's getting the hang of walking upright and talking, not very good at each yet.

Skunk. Due to some interactions with certain Monochrome Employees Tristan has gained the ability to be a skunk. He has all his markings, except the markings usually on his ears are merged together atop his tail as part of the black stripe running down his back to it. His skunkie musk is strong, but not repulsive, having a little sweetness in it.

Stag. Due to an interesting experience with A certain giant Stag and his pet wolf, Tris was reborn into the ability to assume the form of a twinky white stag. His widest point is his hips, which are quite feminine. His red arm mark has been reshaped to be Celtic Knotwork that seems to evoke the shape of a Stag's head. He is very variable in this form, his height subject to change with situation.

Wolf. In the same act that made him a young Stag, he found that when he grew hungry, he took on the form of the Wolf, and it was also added to his list of available forms to assume. He has the same alteration to his red armband this way, and this is the most muscular of his forms, but only by a small margin, and the most masculine, especcially between the legs.

Moogle. Kupo! Tris got turned into a moogle by his nephew, Kraz, kupo, and now he can't stop saying Kupo! He's now only 5 feet tall, kupo, not counting his pompom on its antennae, and his ears are much shorter, kupo! His markings and tattoos are all were they were, Kupo, except the ones on his ears are now circular around the base of his larger than normal pompom. He has use of Moogle Magic in this form, and can do things like Item Synthesis, Kupo! Kupo, kupopo kuPOOO!!!

Lion. Through a series of events with some of the larger Monocrome felines, Tris can be a white lion with a black mane. This form, rather than being set to one body type, like his others usually are, can be three at will. He can be a slender, young lion, who acts mostly like a kitten, a more rotund, pudgier lion who is lethargic, and a more dominant, muscular adult lion.

Dalmatian. Through many dalliances with Pop the Balloon Pup and being made a latex Dalmatian, the Dalmatian form transferred over to his flesh and furred self. As a Dalmatian he is incapable of being discerned from female except for his chest and between his legs. He tends to dress in girly clothes more in this form, and he has been known to be not fully male, but rather a maleherm when he takes on this form, commonly referred to as a bitchboi.

Tristan is the sole founder of Hawthorne Incorperated

And a Co-founder of LFRP

((Player is of Age))

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