Name: Tommy
Gender: Male
Race: Horse
Height: 6'3"
Sexuality: Bi (female preference)
Appearance: Tommy is tall and well built, covered with a short, light brown fur and his head has thick, black hair. His eyes are a strong blue colour. He often wears tshirts and tanktops, jeans or sometimes shorts. When he goes naked you can see he works out quite a bit, his body is very well toned. He has strong arms, large hands and his legs move down to strong hooves. He has a slightly lighter belly than the rest of him, which moves down to his lap. You also notice that he is indeed hung like a horse and has no sheath.
Personality: Tommy is friendly and chilled, he likes hanging out and chatting. He is something of a movie buff and is interested in literature, theatre, games, music, comics, all sorts of things. He also loves snuggling and yiffing with girls, boys or anyone in between. He can be submissive or dominant, depending on who he is with and what his mood is like, but he is always willing to play.