In a back alley of a town where it's always night, there lays a small storefront. It's windows are boarded up with black plywood, and it looks as perfectly run down as everything else in the city. A neon sign says open. Those curious enter to the ringing of a bell above the door.
This is the Torture Chamber, a store full of products to tempt anyone's fancy and thrill most any fetish. It is built, owned, and run by Armadox Lazardi Xmachina, and as you enter the shop you can usually see him working on this or that at the work desk behind the check-out counter.
"Welcome to the Torture Chamber, if you've an itch something here will scratch it.."
The building's inside is larger then what the outside portrays. To the left of the door is a wall of adult magazines and movies to interest diffrent needs. There is a television playing scenes from the latest releases over and over on mute, so as to not over run the music over head.
Behind that is a rotating wall of toys by catagory, breed, type, and size. Ranging from an inch to six foot. They cover many breeds, and he occationally casts new molds to make new ones. Above them is a hand full of blow up dolls and such. He doesn't have much of a collection of them due to selling bad. Adult toys can not be returned after purchase, but if defective can be switched for another of the same kind.
Next to that are the fetish toys, wrist, hand, and ankle cuffs. Paddles and whips, and a gathering of gags, collars, and leashes. All of it is made with genuine leather, and guaranteed made to last.
Milkers and bigger toys are in the corner. He's sold his industrial one though and can't find a new supplier for it.
On the other side of the room is wardrobes of hundred of costumes, lined up in order by size. He can hem and adjust them to the buyer's liking with the sewing machine in the back room. All leather suits for gimp or BDSM are made of soft leather, and can not be returned after purchase.
Under the front counter is boxes of condoms and personal lubricants. They range in size, texture and gimmicks like studded or ribbed varieties. He has most everything in stock save Dragoncum brand lube. He can never quite keep that on the shelves.
The back wall has two changing rooms, and a door that leads into the warehouse. The warehouse holds the items to big or expensive to be in the main room. Here is where the heavy machinery is, like hanging racks, saibans, fuck machines, and other mechanical devices. He also sells video recorders, hentai vertual reality simulators, and two toybot model personal servant devices.
Anything else can be back ordered and held on lay-away.