
Walking into the tub, you see a strange creature... Well, not yet you don't cause she's shy and magical, the most elusive of hunts, the Questing Beast! ^^

Before you stands a creature composed of many different ones, all smoothly blended together into one form. Her torso from the shoulders to the waist is that of a leopard, with soft yellowish brown fur and black spots, her underbelly and medium sized chest an off white in color. From her waist to her hooves, she has the sleek, muscular legs and rounded hips of a hart, with the yellowish brown of her torso blending into the deeper brown of her legs and hips, the spots on her back running down to go over the smooth round curve of her rump. Her tail is a long serpentine thing, almost as long as she is tall, with a long haired tuft of fur at the tip, soft and sweet smelling. Her neck is long and graceful, covered in a soft yellowish tan fur, curving longer than seems perfectly normal, and atop it is a slim, noble looking deers head, with two short graceful horns sweeping back from the temples and large, swivelling ears. Her eyes are a deep violet, and seem to go on forever in their depths, sparkling with magic.

Despite her sleek shape and kind ways, Questing Beast is a demon, and as such has certain powers. Her most frequently used one is instant teleportation; she can move from one place to another without covering the space in between at will. She also has various other magical abilites. Her physical ones include stretchiness, an acidic poison in a pair of retractable fangs, strength beyond her appearance, and several others.

Still, she is a nice person most of the time... Care to get to know her? ^_~

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Page last autogenerated at Sat, Feb 25 / 2006 (08:24 AM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)