
Before you stands a slender male snow leopard of which no features appear unusual, aside from the fact that he's napping in a daze, clad in only a pair of orange boy shorts - which covers his only distinguishable marking; a heart shaped tattoo upon his right buttock. (Yeah, he's gay. No, really, he is.)

There is ALWAYS a flask tucked in the waist band of whatever it is that he might be wearing.

He's normally rather quiet, if only due to his lazy demeanor. There's a good chance he's either drunk or under some sort of influence, and despite this, he's extremely gentle when he's not using his voice. For all intents and purposes he is a phenomenal marksman with a wide array of weapons.

As far as personality goes he's extremely straight forward - perhaps to a fault, but he doesn't mean to sound like an asshole.

If he's ill, upset, or just working on something that requires him to focus he'll often retreat to the comfort of freezing temperatures.

Likes: Sleeping, eating, and especially cold climates.
Dislikes: Illogical folk and water that is anything but bone-chilling.

Him and Mar!

Mar and Telmahri

Holy shit, him and Mar again!

Mar and Telmahri

Editing the Description: input the right password and

Page last autogenerated at Tue, Jan 08 / 2013 (08:24 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)