
This profile may not seem like much, but that's just because I got lazy. I hope curiosity will make you whisper me. I don't like starting whispers, so you do it. Who knows? You might even get yourself groped. =]

An average polar bear he is, if you can even call polar bears average. He's got snow white fur covering his entire body, enough for a someone to curl up and take a warm, comfortable nap, along with a stub for a tail. One can see him simply lounging about wearing typical blue jeans accompanied by either the just as typical blue vest or one of various interesting, thought-provoking screen tees. He's got a small layer of squish on him due to anatomy and such, and his fur adds to his appearance, making him look larger than he actually is. He's friendly and loves to chat, so whisper him for anything.

Look what I stole.

Mm, yeah, something like that.

Editing the Description: input the right password and

Page last autogenerated at Sun, Dec 28 / 2008 (02:02 AM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)