
Name: Tasunke Ragetotem
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Age: 24
Height: 8 ft
Weight: 425lbs
Title: High Overlord
Birthplace: Mulgore
Fraction: Renegade Fel Orcs
Class: Warrior
Race: Tauren
Fur color: Solid Black
Extras: Golden nose ring,the tips of his white horns are black, is always in his armor if he feels like he should if not then a dark blue neatherweave vest and neatherweave pants, and carries the mark of Torment on his upper right arm
Hair style: Short, which is unlike most of his race, crew cut like

Tasunke Ragetotem was born and raised in Molgore by the Ragetotem clan, the greatest warriors and smiths come from this clan. When he was but a young one his small village was ransacked by Forsaken Raiders, one of the raiders Sylvanas Windrunner thought it would be fun to take a small tauren back to Undercity and see what they could do with it. What they did with the young Tasunke was train him to be a cold blood killer in the name of the Forsaken. They cleaned his mind of all past events and made it seem that he was always with the forsaken from day one. Well as the years went on Tasunke grew into a fine warrior, he surpassed his first master then even his second who was Lady Sylvanas right hand guard. So as the years went by Tasunke grew tired and one day took a few Forsaken raiders of his own and set out to try and find some harder to kill, something to prove a challenge to him. He and his team one day making all the way to the Blasted Lands hearing that the Dark Portal was open and already the adventures have been pouring into the Outlands. They ended up in Hellfire Peninsula which at the time they didn’t know is where the plans for the new Fel Horde, and the strange Fel Orcs. After seeing and trying to study the new breed of orcs Tasunke and his team figured it was time to see how they where in combat, regular orcs put up an ok fight so the new red skinned ones must really have a fight in them. Well Tasunke was right then new red skinned devils had one hell of a fight in them and after about the second wave they swarmed and killed his fellow team members. As much as Tasunke didn’t like the fact he would have to run away from this battle, seeing as he knew know where to go he just ran and ran till he was lost in the red clay barren. Well after three days in the middle of no where he thought he was going crazy, he saw three Fel Orcs marching his way holding a banner from his fallen team, so is he ready his already weakened body for a fight, one fel orc shouted out in the Forsaken tongue that he was not the enemy in fact the three before him where in fact his old team. Seems Lady Sylvanas packed his team with a spell so when they died they could jump from their fallen bodies to the bodies of their attackers. So now with three of the new orcs in his command he sets out and slowly over the coruse of a week or so gathers 15 fel orcs and 5 goblins. Now all he needs is heroes in his command and he will be set.

Tasunke for all he has been through is rather laid back and relaxed, only doing what must be done. In fact you may never guess that he leads such troops into battle.

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