
Standing before you, clad entirely in black, a visage from the depths hell watches his surroundings. Measuring at a height of 9' from head to hoof, the demonic bull keeps watch all around him. Resting on top of his head are a pair of fierce looking, razor sharp horns, a pair of vicious eyes glowing blood-red under his horns. His short, blunt muzzle growls angrily between his eyes, his teeth different from other bulls by being pointed, the two in the front of his mouth longer than the others. His broad shoulders frame his head, his chiseled chest and back rippling with power. His muscled arms hang loose at his sides, his five-fingered hands hanging at rest neat his hips, his solid stomach one solid slab of muscle.
Looking at his waist you can see one quite unusual feature about him, he had two sheaths. Both sheaths hang heavily in front of his four testicles, one pair hanging so heavily it seems the skin might tear, the other pair squirming and wriggling, as though holding something alive. Two cocks make their presence known from the insides of the sheaths, the two lengths seeming to ripple and morph, sometimes becoming pointed, sometimes sporting a series of ridges or painful barbs, other times becoming impossibly large. His powerful legs frame his two sheaths, both legs rippling with muscles, his hoofs a solid black and razor sharp as they press into the ground.

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Page last autogenerated at Wed, Mar 08 / 2006 (03:20 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)