
(If you see Tameth out in the open this is quite a rarity, I normally will only play her around certain people and thus getting to RP with her is purely a privlage as compared to my other characters.)

The lithe dragon's body seems to be at least a good twenty feet long from muzzle to tail-tip, about half that length alone begin her tail. Her tail seems to be in constant movement sort of having a mind of its own, its own curiousities and angendas. She walks upon all fours, making it seem as though her body length would would be a good bit taller could she walk upright; having the appearance of a very large cat in frame. Still having a graceful appearance despite her size.

The simmilarities between her and Solace are quite readily visible, having the same deep grey hide and golden-blonde fur cresting down her neck to between her breasts... oddly enough having breasts as a non-anthro as well. She also has cuffs of the same fur upon her wrists and ankles, giving the impression that she's wearing large floofy legwarmers. This same fur also on the end of her tail and highlighting a few other areas a bit.

Her forepaws and feet are very much like those of a cat in structure, aside from her much larger and more versatile toes. Her powerful limbs being supported by all four paws.

Her face always seems to have a curious and warm expression upon it. Her eyes seem a bit more difficult to read though, being two golden glowing orbs that seem to reflect more light than they take in. Much like Solace two large horns sweep form the back of her head, two large deer-like ears under those... much like her tail the ears seem to have a mind of their own, constantly shifting to pick up sounds.

(The pic adress I'm including with this is only colored by me, but drawn by a good friend.)

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Page last autogenerated at Mon, Feb 13 / 2006 (04:33 AM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)