Her solid green eyes gaze out from hir post, waiting was somthing shi enjoyed. Especially when they had the ellement of supprise. Shi holds her rifle in place, when suddenly shi blacks out remembering only the sounds of battle, and a mutant giving the orders to drag her away.
I awake to find myself in the Tub, as most call it, but wants to go out and crush the mutant threat with hir comrads.
Shi has remembered that she can race shift, to some extent. Shi has used this to hir advantage in combat, morhping quickly from race to race.
Shi has been getting really lonely lately, sh wants to hang with the regulars but doesn't want to seem soft. If you say the right words she might snuggle you. That, and become your friend.
Gender: both, feminine
Equipment: metal armor, combat knife, dog tags
sexual orientation: girls
Marital status: unmarried
children: none
Friends: Slaughter
True enemies: Ronan
Pets: ((REALLLLLLLLLLLLLY wants one)) none
(have questions? ask me in a pm. This character was based on Fallout Tactics)