Sylphaen is an enchanting, pale skinned mermaid, as wild, and untamable as he sea itself. A free, unbound fearie spirit, she requires her space, and will rail against captivity, and control. with platinum blonde hair, and beautiful features, and solid black eyes,she truly is an exotic,and striking creature. Blue-ish, misty lips hide a mouth of translucent, jagged teeth, much like a shark's; designed for getting through the scales of fish, and shelled crustacians. Her slender hands are tipped with transparent, naillike claws. Though equipped with a set of lungs, she does have gills located on the small of her back; three on either side, allowing her to remain underwater indefinately. From the waist down, she's covered in shimmering, irridescent scales, 2 delicate, streaming ventral fins, and ending in a great intricate tailfin, shimmering with a rainbow of color. She has the ability to split her tail, and aquire legs for a short period of time, however,she must return to the water,or suffer sickness, and eventual death.
Sylphaen has a few talents. One being she sings. Her beautiful voice echoes a haunting, enthralling melody that has the power to hypnotize those who hear it..especially males..
Another possibly more useful ability, is her kiss. Her kiss can supply those she chooses with breathable air underwater, as long as the kiss is held.
She is friendly, and polite, and shows affection easily around those who show her the same courtesy. She believes in a small amount of introduction, and polite formality, however, and does require one to properly introduce him/herself, and exhibit an amount of manners before engaging in physical contact.