There is an electric sound and before you appears Sybaris, a distinctly alien anthropomorphic creature.
Sybaris stands about 6 feet tall and has a slender but muscular frame, appearing much like a human male. He usually has violet coloured skin with dark blue stripe markings on his arms, back and legs, but without warning or under duress his skin will phase through colors and patterns much like a cuttlefish. On the tip of each finger and toe there are black claws and if you were to be his dentist you would notice the double upper canine fangs opposed by a single lower pair.
His entire body is covered with a very thick but short fur, which is actually transparent like optical cable fibre. This transmits the colour of his skin through each hair follicle, but also creates strange light effects and shadows sometimes. He also has a prehensile tail, much like a monkey's, but furred like a wolf's or fox's. Also the hair on his head is long and spiky, usually of a blue colour with pink highlights.
He wears a pair of what looks to be dark aviator's goggles to protect his eyes. On his homeworld the light is very dim compared to many other galaxies. In fact his violet colored eyes have amorphous pupils to be able to assume whatever shape and aperture necessary to see in his environment.
Cimmerians [his people] do not usually wear clothing, as they have genital sheaths which help to preserve modesty. However due to social mores the upper body is normally covered, and Sybaris wears a sleek and formfitting leather frock coat as his main article of clothing. On Terra [Earth, of course] he has adopted the local custom of wearing pants and shoes, and fufills this requirement with tight leather trouser and knee high engineering boots.
The Cimmerians are a species that lives with a symbiotic life form, the Aleatorans. Aleatorans are transdimensional creatures the need a host to bond with psycicly to remain in a chosen dimension. They appear as black holes in the fabric of space and matter, able to open up a path to just about anywhere within a half light year. Their infinite internaly dimensions allow them to also be used for storage and to devour unecessary elements, like enemies. While resting Sybaris' Aleatoran rests on the back of his left hand like a black moon.
to be continued...