Svipul is a winged Valkyrie wolfess, dressed in somewhat modest armour (Or lack thereof it) She is strong, well built and tall though not without feminine features or curves. The woman stands 6ft 4 with white fur that seemed almost tinged blue from the snowy paths she often walks. her hips wide, her legs long and her breasts full she was not to be mistaken for a man from behind by any means, though on would see her muscled form due to her back and her thighs, her wide behind seemingly a little more plush and bouncy than one would expect from such a toned woman. Her eyes an ice blue and her hair a snowy white she seemed fitted for the ice and snow of her homeland. always carrying her forstforged axe and her shield. (Though one would be confused as to how she used such a large aze clearly meant for two hands in one.)
(Major WiP here guys!~ All art used without permission and will be removed if asked by the original owner and artist.)
A little Backstory
Svipul, a Valkyrie once of Odin's halls of Valhalla but now a wanderer and guide to the lost, both those of living and of spirit. Svipul Grew tired of the constant war that seemed to have no end, The Aesir and Vanir both in a constant battle that would not see any end due to the breaking of the cycle... Gods, Giants, Trolls, Goblins, Dwarves, Elves... all of those that resided within the nine realms were affected and drawn into the conflict and she no longer wanted to fight this unending war...Instead turning her gaze upon helping those that were adrift in the battle, both slain and not she would bring those to safety with her Valkyrie magic and her skills as a fighter. Svipul herself was very well versed in battle but commanded fate in kind thanks to her blessings, bringing about good fortune to those worthy and folly to those not.
Skills and Abilities
Svipul is a Valkyrie and as such is granted many abilities both mystical and physical.
Combat: Svipul, once again, is a Valkyrie, and so is one of the finest fighters that Odin had to offer, trained in many weapons and while she prefers her runed axe and shield, she is most suited and skilled with spear combat.
Strength: Svipul is immensely strong especially given her height compared to those she would usually face, able to go blow for blow with giants taller than mountains!
Reflexes: Svipul's reactions are extremely quick, allowing her to dodge many attacks with some ease, making it near impossible for a mortal with mortal skills to land even a single blow, though she has been caught off guard once or twice before.
Wings: Svipul's wings are as hard as Asgardian steel with feathers as sharp as the finest blades when she is in battle allowing her to use the appendages like shields and her feathers like projectiles though doing so is not as easy as one may think it is, wings are not that dexterous and so throwing feathers from them is not as accurate as she would like, but launching enough acts as a fine skill to control groups.
Steelfur: Svipul's fur is far stronger than most, being nigh steel like in its composition allowing it to act like armour in itself, while not a perfect defence by far it allows her more freedom to move due to lack of required armour
Valkyrie Magic: Svipul, like all Valkyrie, is well versed in the art of healing and protection magic, able to grant shields and heal wounds on the battlefield.
Svipul is outfitted with quite the array of equipment that she has collected over the years.
Runed Great-Axe: Svipul's main weapon of choice is a Runed Two-handed Great-Axe, simple in its design, functional and sturdy the blade would seem nothing more than a mortal weapon other than the runes that were etched along its blade and it's haft, glowing gold and blue here and there gently, though these looks would be deceiving given the blade, like all her weapons, was crafted in the forges of Asgard and as such was very strong and powerful, being able to call it to her hand at will aswell as allowing her to rend and warp the very stone around her in many ways.
Shield: Again seemingly simple and mortal Svipul carries a great oaken shield embellished with a Gryphon and bordered by more runes allowing her to deflect many magical attacks as well as physical alongside ensuring the item will not break easily.
Bastard Sword: A weapon gathered from her travels and not of Asgard nor the nine realms she would protect, given to her by a stranger who only called themselves "A Traveler" the sword is elegantly crafted and etched with sigils and marks she knows little about, the tip of the blade and pommel engraved and embellished with armoured knights on horseback, the blade glows brightly while in darkness, allowing her to use it as a torch, as well as burning anything it comes to contact with when she wishes it.
Armour: Svipul wears very little in terms of armour, only choosing to cover her arms and legs with tough leather and simple metal plates at her joints. (More to strike with than to protect herself) and a simple white loincloth that covers her groin, but not her thick rear. the outfit leaving her lush breasts bare at all times, a fact she does not know is taboo in many places.
Cloak: This is not an actual piece of armour, but instead a form of Glimmer to hide her wings while around mortals, her wings fold back and shape themselves to look like a long black furred cloak, but still retaining the strength of her feathers.
Bifrost Shard: Svipul carries a Bifrost Shard, somewhat like a key allowing her to travel the different realms without the need of the bridge itself, though she cannot choose where she will arrive, and must simply enter the realm she is going to in the same place she leaves the last.