Please Note: This character will only be played in side-rooms in accordance with planned RP story-arc.
"Everything doesn't have to be about fear. There's room in our line of work for hope, too."
-Stephanie Brown
- Data File -
Full Name: Stephanie Brown
Age: 19 years
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 122 lbs
Birthday: August 11
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: American
Father: Arthur Brown aka The Cluemaster (deceased).
Mother: Crystal Brown
Friends: Cassandra Cain, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne
Marital Status: Semi-not-so-permanent relationship with Tim Drake
Personality: Determined, childish, dorky, forgiving, unfiltered, and dedicated.
- The Hood and the Cowl -
Name: The Spoiler
Affiliations: Robin, The Cluemaster
Base of Operations: Gotham City
Occupation: Vigilante crime-fighter
Orientation: Straight
Name: Batgirl
Affiliations: Supergirl, Bat-Family, Justice League Task Force
Base of Operations: Gotham City
Occupation: Vigilante crime-fighter
Orientation: Straight
- Vigilante Traits -
-Highly skilled with collapsible baton/staff
-Martial Arts
-Resilient willpower
-Improvisation mentality
(This character is played by Kanis, though is a registered trademark of DC comics. I don't own any concept or art, and make no profit from my portrayal of this licenced character.)