Starless is a diminutive yet feisty little tigergirl. Black with yellow stripes that have a faint, tantalizing glow that had her laughed at all through school.
(I'm sick of background, lets get to the juicy bits!)
You already know my name and species sooo...
Height! 5'4"... ish.
Weight! Er.... Is fuck off a number? No? 'Kay, I'm light as a feather.
~Breast size~! Small C! Not too big, not too little~
Favorite color? Pink~
Dick size! What? Ew, I don't have one of those! D:
Okay, juicy bits out of the way!
Usual outfit is as follows:
ONE cute little hoodie, black with hot pink stars all over and several mismatched patches all up and down the sleeves. (With nothing underneath, she's kinky like that.)
ONE pair of black and yellow striped cloth panties (She doesn't wear pants, they get in the way.)
TWO hot pink legwarmers, also with stars all over them. (She never leaves home without 'em~)
She also wears a pair of sunglasses, but those are rare, seeing as she loves showing off her eyes. (One pink, one green~)
Every once in a while, she wanders around with a ragged teddy bear that is missing an eye.