
Just the Basics!
Height: 9'8 (294.64 cm)
Weight: 374 lb (169 Kg)
Rank: Field Marshall
Armaments: Type 1 Energy Sword, Type-31 'Needle' Rifle, Type-25 DEP, and M6G PDWS.
Basic Reference for those not familiar with what a Sangheili is

Vak'deem's armor is that of a common Field Marshall's Helmet, though the Torso armor only has a breast plate, his right arm, which is his sword arm, only has armor on the upper arm, left arm is fully covered, as are both his legs.

Sometimes, he flaunts around as a doctor! At first people thought he was a medical doctor! And he happily played along, but really he has very little medical training. Well, besides combat ones. His doctor comes from his doctorates degree in warrior-ing.. >.>

Also! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/8126001/

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