
Skylar Inari is from an ancient mystical line, a grey kitsune who has traveled the world and lived hundreds of years of a human lifetime. Currently at his age and stature he has five tails accumulated, thus having a considerable well of magic and wisdom to draw upon. He is drawn to those in trouble, able to hear vast distances when he focuses to listen for cries. Also like other kitsune he can alter his shape to certain degrees, but mostly he chooses to become a human on rare occasion to observe them. Otherwise, he uses his abilities of illusion or fox-fire for good and the protection of the innocent or weak, or as he might confess to seduce women when he becomes taken with them, though never to a point of unwillingness or loss of free will, simply charming them to gain their attentions. Most will find the kitsune kind and joyful, even playful a lot of the time he's around others.

He comes from a long line of guardians, his whole family of kitsune having devoted their lives to the service of an ancient Goddess, Inari; and, this is where they take their last name, from her as a mark of their loyalty and is an unchanged tradition, even if the Goddess has long since left this world for other planes. While he is incredibly long-lived, nearing six-hundred years old, he shows no signs of it or frailty, and is still very much in his prime shape of a slender but toned young male, moderately muscled his fur is a faint blue-grey, with caramel colored stripes that encircle a white underbelly that runs from his cheeks down past his waistline. He keeps his hair lengthy enough to allow it to splay outwards into soft flares like his tails, also the caramel color of his stripes. His face is lined with small black markings, notably on the bridge of his muzzle where they make small fang like shapes.

Attire usually are large slightly baggy cargo-pants so he can keep things in all the pocket space, and if he wears one a t-shirt of bright colors like yellow or white. Often he doesn't like wearing shoes but sandals so he can easy slip in or out of them to free his feet, as he likes to be able to touch the ground with his bare paws.

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