
Sixty is a cottontail rabbit of average build and slightly on the short side, measuring 5' 9". He has a deep brown pelt with a more cream colored chest and stomach. Sixty's hair matches the brown of his fur and is always a bit unruly.

Always happy to meet new furs Sixty tends to be a nice guy who is willing to listen to others problems and help in any way that he can. Not to say he doesn't have his own worries and concerns about this and that, but overall he tends to be a playful nice guy who loves to cuddle up with someone.

Sixty is bi and enjoys being either a top or bottom when he is with guys, he's flexible like that (and in other ways!). Rarely turning down a good time he enjoys snuggling as well as more intimate action. When he gets excited his long ears have a tendency to wilt slightly as the blood flows to certain other places.


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