
Name: Siva (s-eye-vah)
Gender: Male
Species: Unknown... looks like a cross between a moose and a giraffe
Height: 10 feet, give or take a couple inches
Weight: 225 lbs

Physical Description
Siva is a large arthro... something or other; he doesn't look like anything alive today. His body resembles that of a horse or other large ungulate; but his head looks more like that of a giraffe. He's got a pair of short but wide, deep palmated antlers, covered with a soft, tan velvet, as well as a pair of large ossicones just above his eyes, also covered with velvet; but black. His throat, neck, belly, arms and legs are white, his arms and legs covered with black horizontal tiger stripes. His tail looks like that of a giraffe; short with long bristles. His back, neck and thighs are a deep mahogany, but under the right lighting turn into a bright chesnut. His ears are short and bullet shaped, covered with the same mahogany as his back. Siva's muzzle, splashes on his cheeks and the top of his head are black, but the rest of his head is white. His hands are almost human, but have very thick digits, and his fingers are tipped with hooves, not claws or nails. The hooves cap his fingers up to the first knuckle, and have a thick, spongy layer underneath that is very soft and sticks well. His footpaws are cloven hooves, like that of a horse, and really don't agree with tiles.

Mental Description
For being a big guy, he's really shy. His voice is deep but soft, with no ragged edges what so ever. He's quiet and normally likes to watch things unfold from afar, since he doesn't know exactly how to interact with most furs. If you're up to making a new friend, he warms up very quickly and does have a fun side, if you're willing to have the patience to find it. Sometimes he can get distant, as if he's remembering something long past, and in these situations, it's best to talk to him and try to find out what's wrong.

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