Name: Silei
name meaning: 'To craft bones'
Species: Deepsong siren
Sex: Hermaphrodite 'male'
Job; Harbinger of deep
-Basic description-
Height: 13 ft' (from tail to head)
Scent: Sea-salt, fruit, unknown flowers
Mentality: Curious, shy, exploitative, thieving of curious things.
Hair: Soft & flexible but not true hair, audibly rattles if touched, can 'tense up'
Skin: Visibly very tiny scales like a snake, soft unless angered.
Bodyframe-- feminine flexible, quick frame.
Sexual bits: The body is semi-fluid when it comes to some bits of anatomy (Hips& breasts can expand if needed or for giggles), two slits hidden by a 'flap' hide two slits, one holding a 13 inch fully prehensile member with a ring like knot that balloons 4 inches from the base.( water critters for the win.)
additions: can sprout claws if wanting, scales perk up is threatened giving a 'shaving' much like shark scales if not careful when they are angry.
Clothing: None currently, will collect random bits as given.
What is a Deepsong siren?
A type of rare siren that is bound to the old gods. They are the Harbringers, the guides of the deep. They can bend the world and allow a psudo hydrokenisis and their songs can be harmless or violently dangerous if endangered.
While not 'harbringering' they are the attendants to the old ones.