
Shaw is a true Southern gent with an open smile and a big heart. He stands at roughly six and a half feet tall, and his off-white antlers put him well over seven. His long lapine ears normally stand upright, though his right ear is prone to folding over.

His build is on the lean side, but once he sheds his usual spurred boots, jeans, vest, and checkered button-down his strength is overwhelmingly apparent, from his broad shoulders to his sinewy calves. His long, muscular body is covered in short, soft fur, colors ranging from almost black from the top of his head down the center of his back to caramel brown at his sides, arms, and legs, and cotton white from his mouth down his stomach, between his thighs and up the underside of his tail. The fur grows out to a soft black sweep over his hazel eyes, hiding the base of his antlers and ears. He keeps it trimmed relatively short in the back, and often hidden under a black cowboy hat. He typically wears a red bandanna around his neck.

The jackalope is quick to laugh and slow to anger, but best not to try your luck against his strong hands. He's not afraid to be a little more than friendly with both genders, but he harbors a soft spot for slim, small males and sweethearts in general. And for whiskey, of course. Just don't let him drink too much, or he might have to embarrass himself with his harmonica.

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