
Standing at around Five foot eleven, the demonic creature smiles as he notices you looking in his direction. His teeth looked slightly pointed, lips pale against more even more pale skin. His eyes drew you in, a dull crimson beneath two bone horns that jutted up and back from his temples, over his long, shaggy black hair. Below the neck, the male was toned, sculpted. His body that of one that used to fight for a living, skin splashed with the rough scars of blade and claw. Upon his back sat two, jet black, leathery wings, usually folded against him. When spread they would reach a wingspan of 12' 6", the blackness marred with their own sets of grey scars. Just above his backside sat the fist thick base of a black tail, five feet long, smooth, and tapered to about the width of a finger. For clothing, he tended to wear a pair of aged blue jeans, worn particularly upon the knees and ankle hems, a bit baggy for ease of movement, and held up by a brown belt.

He has one, it's just... muted for the most part. Tending to be quiet and observe unless addressed, or he hears someone talking about a topic that interests him. He likes the quiet, preferring to shy away from loud noises, places, and people, though he likes observing how groups interact from the sidelines.

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