Subject:Scheherazade |
For anyone without a fear of spiders, she could be described as haunting, or even quizzically beautiful, in her own way - from what little one could see of her, anyway. A woman from the waist up, a spider from the waist down, Scheherazade nearly pushed eight feet in height from legtip to head-top, discounting the comparatively much, much larger abdomen and nest of legs behind and about her. Her arachnid features were a bit prickly to behold, composed of thorny black chitin that rose even to jagged, crystalline spines and spires along the top and sides of her spidery abdomen, a venomous, vibrant green in colour. The spiky motif continued on in her lower half's apparel, starting with legplates of silver that rose from near the tip of each leg, terminating at the second joint in long, ornate spikes, like morbid, metallic spider-equivalent knee-highs. Serrated on one side, it wasn't outlandish to believe they were much like long, decorative leg-knives, though their function beyond style was questionable; it could be assumed they were largely decorative, as it was likewise easily surmised that such structures wouldn't be particularly helpful in a web! The underside of her arachnid-abdomen boasted a rather intricate, dazzling arrangement of faintly-glimmering patterning; hard to describe, it was like her proverbial 'widow's hourglass', only far less discernible in whatever shape it was, looking more akin to a triskele, than anything. Just beyond her rather orderly, compact spinnerets was a rather troublesome sight: a stinger, of all things! Housed neatly in a sheath of sorts so only the tip stuck free, it bobbed in and out of sight to the tune of some invisible heartbeat, shallowly curved in shape, and devoid of any barbs or spines.
last autogenerated at Mon, May 26 / 2014 (04:50 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding
by Kobayen (hey, I deserve
some credit!) |