
"Hi I yam Scarlet!"

Scarlet is young squirrel girl of undetermined age (she is young so 19-20 would probably be a good guess.)

Appearance: Scarlet's appearance seems to be the one thing she doesn't see herself. Being a squirrel and thus, highly energetic, she's quit fit her lithe body proportionately adjusted to have ample curves for a creature with her small body frame. She's not exactly tall, (only about 5,4 or 5,5) but most of her height is made up of her strikingly long legs. Scarlet has blue eyes that are always wide open, hair about to to the base of her neck which is often mussey looking, two pointy ears that stand straight up, and a goofy grin plastered on her face that constantly show her little squirrely buck-teeth. She is mostly a deep red color but has a creamy colored underbelly. Lastly the gigantic fluffball that follows her everywhere is her tail and its apparently just as ADHD as she is.

Personality: As it has been frequently stated, Scarlet is completely ADHD not being able to concentrate on anything for extended amounts of time. She's always bright and chipper and appears to be quit naive with her inquisitive, curious nature and her childish mispronunciations of various words. However underneath her naive appearance, she is actually quit intelligent and not at all unfamiliar with the ways of the world. She knows enough to know she likes being cuddled by either sex, understand her interest in men (prefers lithe and strong men when she is looking) and knows what to do pretty well when her attention can be received. If you can get her to pay attention, that is...
Scarlet doesn't intentionally go out of her way to be sexy, but has a habit of doing so. Theres nothing wrong with getting her attention through whispers. And if she does catch on to what your hinting at you spend awhile just trying to pin her down before she'll actually let you do anything.

Dress: Theres not much to put here as Scarlet isn't very fond of clothing. She usually only wears a loose fitting t-shirt whose neck often droops down over her shoulder. She never wears a bra and whether or not she's wearing underwear is left up to the whim of the day. Occasionally she'll come in wearing nothing at all.

Other personality traits:
Scarlet is an apocalypse snacker, able to clear out a fridge in minutes. And still want more.
She doesn't like scary things and will often find someone to cuddle with/hide behind when frightened.
She also has an insatiable sweet tooth which is a terrible thing given she's already attention deficit anyway.

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Page last autogenerated at Fri, Aug 06 / 2010 (02:36 PM) -- server time (GMT -8 / PST). Description Board 2.0's actual coding by Kobayen (hey, I deserve some credit!)