Sarina was a harpy: a wretched, terrible and vicious creature that fed on the flesh of those it spirited away to its nest, and brought with it the miseries of storm, famine and death .. or so they say. Sarina certainly didn't appear intimidating -- managing a roughly four-foot-nine height, with a build that left her at the mercy of a stiff wind, let alone a hero's blade. Waifish in physique nearly all throughout, she wasn't unlike a willowy pear in shape: long in limb and narrow-featured, her fittingly-avian delicacy offset only by the harpy's hips and thighs; a strange -- if alluring -- feature that spoke well of the strength in her legs, which changed dramatically from roughly mid-thigh level onward: the smooth skin of her human-form giving way to first a pebbling, then bands and scales; her avian heritage manifest in that dark, ashy flesh. The transition was stark and almost comical -- were they not so very real, it was almost as if she'd slipped into a pair of avian-themed thigh-highs, even retaining a relatively human shape to her legs towards her heels, where they terminated in the lower legs ( technically the tarsometatarsus for you more anatomically-inclined ) and feet more typical for a bird of prey, with strong, slender toes tipped in wicked talons, arranged in a typical anisodactylous formation.
More of her bestial anatomy appeared at her arms: the upper portions shared the same fair skin as her human body, but even they were dusted by a down-like fuzz that quickly sprouted into fully-formed feathers just beyond the join at her shoulder. Youthful and gleaming with an eerie iridescence, her feathers were a rich, dark raven in colour - darker still by the coverts - though they faded to a soft cream nearly three-quarters down their length, darkening again to an inky black at their tips. Their size and span was understandably quite large -- even for her relative size -- but their structure was what truly was strange: by their tops, where an average, human arm for her dimensions would have ended ( though the feathers went on far further ), a thumb-like finger emerged, complete with a talon-like 'nail'. A widened space beside made up an effective 'palm', and though it was suitably shrouded by feathers, the entire structure of her wing was curiously hybridised in a chiropteran way, most evident in the way her wings could somewhat 'fold' beneath and behind herself akin to a bat, as if their span was guided along and supported by invisible fingers. Using that vague 'thumb' and small handspace, she was able to manipulate and handle most day-to-day things, albeit with far less dexterity and strength than the average human.
Her human portions were understandably far less exotic. Fair skinned, she wore her hair short and well-kept, though it was often fashioned into something desultory and fittingly wind-swept, leaving it in a strange state that skirted a sort of beautiful bedhead -- a sort of paradoxical 'neatly unkempt.' A similar black to her feathers, turns of her head and brushes through her hair revealed similar still an iridescence in the under layers, shimmering in subtle, muted rainbows. Her face was youthful and soft-featured, lending her a look of perpetual nubility, furthered by her voice and demeanor: absent-minded and innocent, soft-spoken with an enchanting lilt that left her word-weaving alluring -- even if topics oft had her wits in question. A slight hardness to her brow often left her looking more determined and aloof than not, and the harpy only rarely took to using any form of makeup: usually just a lining about her rich, golden eyes; a hint of colour at the lips would suffice.. even if their skillful application was questionable.
Apparel was simple, with a favouritism towards halterneck-style tops and singlets, preferring them a little on the baggier side, but hardly afraid to show a little midriff -- sleeveless however was a must, given her wings. Pants were usually abandoned in favour of a pareo-like wrap of varying colours about her waist ( though burgundy was a favourite, its colour seemed to adjust seasonally ), with some sort of short-shorts beneath for modesty's sake. Cooler weather typically brought about a pair of something longer: heavier pants fastened by drawstrings, and a much heavier vest-like coat. Socks were a favourite addition ( mostly thigh-highs ) and appreciated for both their warmth and style, with the spot reserved for the foot or toes cut free entirely, with some even fastened beneath the her instead -- harpy specific clothing, mayhaps?
Sometimes she was fond of almost ironically dolling up or modifying her more bestial of endowments: painted talons weren't uncommon, nor were what could dubiously be called pedicures. The rough, hide-like flesh of her lower legs was often lotioned, leaving them far smoother and softer to the touch than they seemed.