
This black rat female comes from a particularly rough street lifestyle, having fought most of her life for all number of reasons. As she grew up, she came to realize she had a talent for it and has since participated in numerous underground fighting rings.

Rocky herself, reflects this rough disposition in just about every aspect of her, from attitude and mentality, down to the way she dressed and then some.

Stark in comparison to her dark furred complexion are her eyes and hair. Piercing red eyes peer out from her shadowy face and her hair was completely buzzed off on one side, leaving her hair to fall entirely to one side of her head. It had been dyed a rather professional duotone coloration, orange towards the top but melting into a deep blood red towards the bangs.

Seemingly into a punkish/goth type looks, her ears were accented by a couple of gauges as well a couple of industrial bars. Other bits of metal accented her features such as the two rings in her right eyebrow and the one on her tongue.

Typically, she was a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl, even if she looked like she came straight out of the 90's with her vibrant, sometimes offensive shirts and wide flared jeans. Much of her figure would be left solely to imagination, though she has been known to switch things up and wear more girly styled clothes on occasion.

While not very tall, only standing at about 5' 6", one would be hard pressed to think of the scrappy little rodent as a pushover.

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